View Full Version : Weatern bluebird

Diane Miller
05-17-2014, 06:18 PM
I've been hoping to get close to this bird for a long time, and today noticed they were using this branch from a half-dead fig tree as a staging perch. Then I saw them flying into a cavity in a nearby apple tree. The cavity is in deep shade but I'll be staking out this perch and hoping to get a little closer. This was cropped to 20% of the original frame.

5D3, 600 II + 1.4X III. Big Gitzo + Wimberley. ISO 800, 1/640 @ f/9. M mode. Basic LR5 processing and to PS for a little Detail Extractor and NR, but neither was really needed.

C&C always appreciated!

Karl Egressy
05-17-2014, 07:12 PM
Great pose, excellent IQ and very nice smooth background, having complimenting colors. I assume this is the female. Great to have one with the food in the beak, Diane.

Loi Nguyen
05-17-2014, 07:43 PM
Diane, I have seen the Western Bluebird before, but didn't know they are so colorful and beautiful. Despite the large crop, IQ looks good and the prey is a plus. Loi

Diane Miller
05-17-2014, 10:00 PM
Thanks, guys! This is the lady. Will post the more colorful guy tomorrow. I may have gone a little too far with Vibrance, as the original was an ETTR and a little washed out for color.

Looks like I oversharpened a bit too much on export from LR, too. The frequency of the fine detail is probably too close to the sensor resolution for that crop at at that ISO. Wish they would let me get close enough for a macro lens!

Joseph Przybyla
05-18-2014, 05:53 AM
Beautiful Dianne, love it. Background and bird compliment each other so well. The caterpillar adds to the interest. Thanks for sharing.

John Robinson
05-18-2014, 06:39 AM
Yes good one considering the crop too. Is this the one Burl Ives sang about in the Disney films?

Binu John
05-18-2014, 10:33 AM
Beautiful shot of the Bluebird, Diane! Despite the crop, it looks great! The background is sweet and the worm in her beak is a plus!

Diane Miller
05-18-2014, 05:01 PM
Thanks, everyone! Now that I've looked at this again, I think it's too crunchy. Working on pruning an oleander to hide in, hoping they'll tolerate my being a little closer if I look like a bush.

Don't know the films, John -- maybe someone else will know. We have a Western and a Mountain Bluebird out here in the wild west, and there is an Eastern Bluebird that is similar to the Western. The Mountain has gray instead of rust on the breast/sides.

I keep messing up my titles -- when I type them the font is so small I need to put on reading glasses to see it.