View Full Version : Varied tit.

Dave Johnson
04-22-2014, 08:32 AM
From a few months back. This bird had picked a natural nut up off the ground and had just finished positioning it between his feet when I took this. He then proceeded to open it with that chisel like beak. An attractive and common woodland bird here.

Shooting info - Canon 60D, 500 F4 mkii + 1.4 ext iii, tripod, manual exp, ISO 400, SS 320, F5.6.

C&C welcome, thanks for looking.


Marina Scarr
04-22-2014, 05:33 PM
Lovely bird and cute pose. The perch is a tad overpowering for this small bird, but I love seeing his tootsies holding the nut. I would consider adding a touch of sharpening to the head and a shadow/highlight layer to give it a little punch.

Daniel Cadieux
04-23-2014, 11:37 AM
A new bird for me, and what a beauty it is! I love how it is grasping that glossette. Very inquisitive look too. Do you have an image with a more profile view of the body?

Dave Johnson
04-24-2014, 09:43 AM
Thanks for working the image Marina, your tweaks certainly gave it the boost it needed.
Thanks Daniel, I'm sure I've got one or two somewhere. I'll post one maybe in a new thread.
This wasn't a set up, so couldn't help the perch.