View Full Version : Koala 2 (C)

Don Railton
04-05-2014, 09:44 AM
Hi Guys

More Koala images from the local national park. This is full frame and while I hoped to participate in the theme I dont think this is the image to do that so you get to see the colour version... This was taken a few seconds after the last image I posted..

1D4 + 500F4 on a Gitzo 5 series tripod & Wimberley head.
1/1000 @ F8 and ISO 1600

Processed (levels mainly) in ACR with a bit of sharpening via NIK package... removed a small brach from lower LH corner but thought the remaining should stay given the leaf in mouth. Self critique is that I am lacking DOF, I would rather see more of the ears in focus..

regards to all,


Marc Mol
04-06-2014, 02:28 AM
Love the leaf hanging from the mouth, although not as good as your previous post on this guy Don, have you decreased the exp on this one as your first post also seemed a lot brighter, perhaps too bright for mine, needs
to be somewhere between the two, also the face on the RHS needs more shadow detail.

Don Railton
04-06-2014, 04:24 AM
Hi Marc, thanks for commenting. I should have thought to compared the two before posting... No excuse really. I have not made this RP quite a bright as the previous RP.



keith mitchell
04-06-2014, 05:09 AM
Don I prefer the original and do know from my little bit of time over there that you have some strong light to deal with (wish we had some here)love the sticky out leaf.

Rachel Hollander
04-06-2014, 06:14 AM
Hi Don -it's good to see a color image mixed in with the theme images. Non-theme images are always welcome too. Nice head on view and eye contact. The leaf adds to the image as it did with your other post. I also prefer the op, the rp is starting to look recovered. Perhaps somewhere in between would be best. I agree with your self-critique on dof. This image seems redder than your other post so I might look at reducing the reds. Keep them coming, koalas definitely have a cuteness factor.


Andreas Liedmann
04-06-2014, 12:39 PM
Hi Don, great cuteness factor with these Koalas .
Like the tight portrait with the view in the face. Overall better from the tonal POV compared to the previous post. Focal point is the nose ? If so you know for yourself not ideal .
OP is tad too dark i think and the RP is too flat in tones for my liking , regarding a sunny Aussie day. So i would go half way for the tones . I do like the overall colors , though.
Not ideal are the pieces of bamboo in the corner , but not much you can do , so no deal breaker for me.

TFS Andreas

Gabriela Plesea
04-06-2014, 01:45 PM
I just cannot believe how cute these little guys are, Don! Well captured and I really like the colours and the BG. Techs all covered as far as I am concerned, I too find the leaves in the FG a bit distracting but I do understand the circumstances. Well done with processing, looking forward to more images of these guys-have you more where this came from?

Kind regards,

Steve Kaluski
04-07-2014, 06:03 AM
Hi Don, the stem (and I appreciate nothing you could have done), is distracting for me, but based on the techs there should be more depth and clarity IMHO?


Morkel Erasmus
04-07-2014, 03:49 PM
Hey Don. Cute critter for sure!
I agree on the DOF and the stem. I'm surprised there isn't more DOF given your settings, you weren't using a converter as well?
The OP is a bit "choked up" while the RP lacks some midtone contrast, somewhere between them should be ideal for my tastes.

Don Railton
04-07-2014, 07:24 PM
Hi Guys

Thank you al for your comments, I am most grateful.

I have to get to grips with the Fstop vs focal distance effect on DOF. I am quite close to these animals and I know that reduces the DOF for a given F stop. What I have not figured out yet is how much to compensate for that. I have a table to study which gives me this exact info, I will either have to remember to bring it with me or load it into my phone so I can refer to it.. although playing with your phone is the last thing you want to do when photographing...

Regarding the stem, I was thinking its a little distracting but wanted to leave it as context for the image, especially given the leaf in the mouth. What I wanted to know was 'how distracting' and I have a pretty good idea now.. so thanks again all.


PS. Gabriela, plenty more to come...