View Full Version : Purple Finch male

John Chardine
05-14-2008, 07:37 AM
I had lots of male and female Purple Finches at my feeder in Sackville, NB, on the weekend. I set up in the house and photographed through an open window. It was a windy day and the breeze caught the topknot of this bird. It was a great day!

I removed a few branches that were cluttering up the image. The large branch in the BG is a bit obtrusive.

40D, 500mm F4
capture date: Sunday, May 11, 2008 12:00:42 PM
exposure program: Aperture Priority
ISO speed: 800
shutter speed: 1/400
aperture: f7.1
exposure bias: +0.0
metering: Pattern

Steve Maxson
05-14-2008, 09:29 AM
I like it, John. The males are really colorful right now. Good sharpness around the head and good exposure. I like the placement of the bird in the frame with it looking to the left. I agree that the image would be stronger without the large branch.

Robert Amoruso
05-14-2008, 11:39 AM

Good looking bird. I like how his top is being blown up. I agree with Steve's assessment. Thanks for posting.

Alfred Forns
05-14-2008, 02:43 PM
Hi John the large branch is killing the image Does grab your attention a lot. Since your setting up I'm sure there would be a way to minimize it !!!

Very good looking bird and do like the tech info !!!!

John Chardine
05-14-2008, 06:01 PM
Many thanks as usual for all the comments. Recently I invested in a copy of APTATS and decided to jump in head first and attempt removal of the big branch. I only did this as an exercise as I would not want to alter an image this much. However, hope you like the result.

Alfred Forns
05-15-2008, 06:40 AM
Day and night John !!! Excellent PS work !! Now you have the tools when needed !!!! For an image like this one I think its well worth the effort !!!!