View Full Version : Three bulls crossing

Hilary Hann
11-18-2013, 05:28 AM
Staying with elephants for a little longer, this image was taken after the sun set, unfortunately. We had waited and waited for an chance to photograph the bulls crossing Lake Amboseli but when it happened it was always very late in the day. I don't think I made the best effort with this image but there were a couple of things which happened to thwart our attempt but I can't go into those I'm afraid. So I'm making the best of it and although I know that it is a little gritty, I have chosen to go with that as it kind of suits the boys. I will just have to go back!

1DX; 200-400 @ 250mm; hand held but balanced with my elbows on the ground; ISO2000; 1/200 @ f4

11-18-2013, 07:02 AM
What a dramatic place! I really like what you did with this and the eles certainly co-operated, even if they were a little late. Nice spacing between them and all doing something different with their trunks and legs.

For me, there is a little too much foreground, and I'd like the image to have a little more punchiness to it. Perhaps lifting the shadows and dropping the blacks, or applying (very gently) the clarity tool to the image? I like that you haven't blown out the sky and I would take care to keep it that way as I think it looks good. Graininess doesn't bother me at all.


Rachel Hollander
11-18-2013, 07:05 AM
Hi Hilary - This works quite well for me with a sort of minimalist approach. I think the grittiness adds to the feel and conversion here. The low pov is a treat and I'm amazed at the detail you got in all the eles at f4.


peter delaney
11-18-2013, 07:49 AM
Hi Hillary

I find the OP a little to low key… so I lighten up the sky and the elephants just to give a little more punch and contrast.. I have probably overdone it a bit… so you might want somewhere in the middle of the two….

Martin Dunn
11-18-2013, 08:07 AM
Great perspective Hilary, although for me there is a little bit too much OOF foreground.
I agree with Ed that the ellies could be lightened a tad to extract a bit more detail but I think Peter (as he said himself) has gone a bit too far. It is good to see the detail in the ellies but the overall image in his repost is too bright for me - especially the sky.

I assume that you managed to roll out of the way before you got trampled

Rudi van den Heever
11-18-2013, 11:58 AM
Did you ask them to stand in that order Hilary?! Like the low angle and Peter's suggestion works well...!

Anette Mossbacher
11-18-2013, 12:18 PM
HI HIlary,

great image, love the low angle, I am not bothered at all with the little gritty. The RP from Peter does it for me.

Have a great eve


Marc Mol
11-18-2013, 12:25 PM
Like Peter's RP, but just with a tad less brightness in the sky, really nice framing & perspective here Hilary :5
Just noticed you now have the 1DX/ 200-400 combo, would be keen to hear your thoughts on this. From all reports is sounds like the utimate wildlife combo.:bg3: ....................and no, I wouldn't leave the dark side as tempted as I might be.:w3

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
11-18-2013, 12:30 PM
Hilary, I really like the image. Peter did a good job as well and I agree somewhere between the two would do best. Great POV and awesome sighting.

Gabriela Plesea
11-18-2013, 01:20 PM
I like it too, Hilary, very much indeed. I also like Peter's version, especially if you decide to print-canvas loves contrast!
Well done in capturing this under difficult conditions! One stunning image after another Hilary, what's next?:bg3:

Kind regards,

Andreas Liedmann
11-18-2013, 03:08 PM
Hi Hillary ,
very powerful image design, with great low POV and the empty surrounding makes it easy to wonder between the elephants without being disturbed by other stuff.

OP looks a bit flat, so i think RP of Peter is taking it up a notch.

TFS Andreas

Hilary Hann
11-18-2013, 04:19 PM
Thanks everyone, Peter, just the suggestion I was looking for. I'll go back to the file and see what I can do along those lines. I struggle to get the balance of contrast and tone right so am glad for any help.

Martin, my guide is very careful and I followed his directions exactly. We had an emergency plan of course, but there are certain situations were this is possible. I wouldn't have done it with the Meru herd, for example! :w3

Morkel Erasmus
11-18-2013, 04:45 PM
Love that low angle, Hilary! OP felt a bit flat for me but Peter's spruced it up nicely with his repost.
Grain seems fine to my eyes (even better considering you shot with a Canon :w3:t3)