View Full Version : Green Heron

Bob Serling
11-14-2013, 11:10 AM
I shot this early this summer at a nearby lagoon through dense reeds. I was able to find a small parting in the reeds and poke my head through, getting enough clearance to keep the reeds in front of my from obscuring the lens. A week later, the small opening had become completely grown over.

Canon 1D MkIV, EF 400mm f/5.6, Manual exposure, 1/1600, F8, ISO 800 HH. About a 40% crop in LR and minor adjustments on blacks.

I look forward to your comments and recommendations!

11-14-2013, 01:13 PM
nice dynamic pose, I like the wing position, BG isn't bad either although it shows some noise. Details are a bit soft, especially in the head area. Did the focus fully lock for this frame?


Arthur Morris
11-14-2013, 01:17 PM
Spectacular pose with the focus likely locked on the near wing.... Add in the fact that the bird's head is unfortunately angled away from us and that leaves the head soft for sure. Love the trailing feet and the spectacular look at the dorsal surface of the near-wing.

Bob Serling
11-14-2013, 01:36 PM
Hi Arash and Artie,

Thanks for your comments!

The focus did lock, Arash, but as Artie picked up, it was at the top of the wing where it meets the neck. Also, I have very little post processing experience, but I recently purchased your NR manual and I'm signing up for Photoshop CC and hope to get better in this area.

11-14-2013, 01:51 PM
Hi Bob,
I would try to selectively sharpen the head a bit more it might work but it's hard to tell w/o seeing the original



John Robinson
11-14-2013, 10:00 PM
I agree ( apart from the head) a bit soft- lovely picture.
Easily sorted I reckon.

Carl Walker
11-14-2013, 11:39 PM
Great pose. Apart from what's been mentioned its a great shot. TFS

Martin Dunn
11-15-2013, 04:01 AM
Terrific in-flight shot, only slightly marred by the soft head.

Henry Domke
11-17-2013, 07:19 AM
I've found Green Heron's to be quite skittish. Since you shot this hand held I assume you were not in a blind. How did you get this close?

Bob Serling
11-17-2013, 12:25 PM
Hi Henry,

Mostly by knowing the birds behavior. Having observed the Green Herons in this particular lagoon for a few months - there are 3 herons - I knew that they like to rest on a particular snag in the morning. So that's where I went. Also, as I mentioned in the post, I was shooting through reeds, so those acted as a partial blind. But I've been able to quietly step out onto the bank in the same location earlier in the year before its overgrown with reeds and get some good shots. They are quite skittish, but by moving slowly and quietly, I can usually get within 15 to 20 feet of them.