View Full Version : Weekly Theme: Tracking

Jackie Schuknecht
11-10-2013, 10:57 AM
Still going through older images although I think by the spring I might be good to go. This has been like cold turkey not being able to shoot! Anyways a juvenile Goshawk with Oil Paint and textures. They really have a mesmerizing stare!

Diane Miller
11-10-2013, 04:27 PM
That they are! Oil Paint worked very well here. What would you think about cropping off some of the bottom, to give even more emphasis to the eyes -- maybe a square or even horizontal....

Kerry Perkins
11-10-2013, 05:05 PM
I like this a lot Jackie, the eyes are definitely hypnotic. I've always thought that predators of all varieties make use of their mesmerizing eyes to help capture their prey. Nice use of the Oil Paint, not an easy one to get right!

Judy Howle
11-10-2013, 09:24 PM
I love raptors, they are such beautiful birds. I haven't been close enough to one to get a shot like that, well done. Your filter work is perfect. Like Kerry said, it's tricky to get Oil Paint just right. The eyes really steal the show, and I also love the way the feathers look.

Jackie Schuknecht
11-11-2013, 08:15 AM
Thanks for the comments, Diane I will try that, I seem quite stuck in this 2:3 ratio thing!

Nancy Bell
11-11-2013, 11:54 AM
Wonderful clarity to the feathers & colors, and the eyes! I can feel their intensity! Were you really this close to a wild goshawk, or was it a captive bird? Excellent supporting bkgd texture.

Jackie Schuknecht
11-11-2013, 05:53 PM
Nancy it was a captive bird, which I will never shoot again. Thank You for your comments.

Nancy Bell
11-11-2013, 06:33 PM
Jackie, did you have a bad experience? I generally find captive educational birds good subjects. I get to capture details that I could not do with a wild bird.

11-12-2013, 02:50 AM
This is also just Stunning Jackie!!!

We've talked, but yup me too.... going through old files... funny the good ones that I can play with and the bad that are being thrown out.

This is a very cool shot with unique PP.

Only suggestion would be to tone down the PP oil paint right on top of the head, he has a bit too much ummm "gel hairspray Mohawk" going on.... LOL

Jackie Schuknecht
11-12-2013, 06:19 AM
Linz thanks for the comment. Nancy they had a number of different raptors. Some did flight shots until they were very tired. Also they all seem to be rather depressed. I would have rather they would have been released and in the wild although they do good work; release some endangered birds back in the wild, make school visits, I guess I just saw one part, but that was enough for me.

Anita Bower
11-12-2013, 06:17 PM
An intense gaze! Lovely editing work. I like it.

Anita Bower
11-24-2013, 05:16 PM