View Full Version : blured

Giovanni Frescura
11-09-2013, 01:16 PM
Off course the bigger part of the shoot is blurred ...but it is bad ?
Canon 1D Mark IV and extender 2x III
iso 1000

nick clayton
11-09-2013, 02:01 PM
I like the way the birds are nearly all looking the same way Giovanni, its a shame about the one bird looking backward and in the opposite direction.

keith mitchell
11-09-2013, 02:43 PM
Giovanni when I first looked I was not sure if the OOF birds did anything for the image but the more I look the more it grows on me, suppose it is technically incorrect look forward to see others think.


Daniel Cadieux
11-09-2013, 03:20 PM
I wouldn't say it technically incorrect, especially depending on what you are going for. The exposure is good and the fg birds are sharp and correctly focussed (and I love that trio's grouping). I'm OK with the duck looking the opposite way, but bummer his head is angled away from us. I'd probably crop up from below to just above the water line and add a bit left and right, if you have it. It is an enjoyable image.

Miguel Palaviccini
11-09-2013, 07:12 PM

A very nice environmental capture. I think you framed it well, but (like Daniel mentioned) I might crop from the bottom a bit. I would also consider a pano (16:9) crop by removing an extra bit from the top.

It would have been a stronger image with the one duck facing in the same direction, but this is still a nice capture!


Sandy Witvoet
11-10-2013, 03:15 PM
This is a very enjoyable environmental image. I would crop out the two birds on the right, as they rather look like a "two-headed duck" (may require a bit of cloning or canvas). My eye went to them first when I pulled up the image. I also feel that the 8 oof's somewhat overpower the three beautiful in-focus subjects. Perhaps lose the bright bill highlight on the (current) third bird from the right? (and the bright blobs on the two middle birds) May also be nice if you had a tiny bit of extra room on the left. I love images like this that allow your eye to roam a bit and take in the entire canvas. Really cool and unique capture!