View Full Version : Roman Pots

Richard Unsworth
10-23-2013, 03:22 PM

Taken through glass in the excellent little museum in Coininibra, a Roman Villa in Central Portugal.
It was my birthday:S3:

Used Topaz and an Inferno Layer texture

gary ellwein
10-23-2013, 04:24 PM
Richard, lovely colors, texture and composition. Could you bring out a bit more detail in the dark tones; especially, on the right side of the image.

Cheryl Slechta
10-23-2013, 04:47 PM
Richard, first of all - Happy Birthday:cheers: I like this image a lot. The lighting is nice and I like the composition and all the nice rich, earthy tones. Reminds me of an Old Master's painting.:S3:

Nancy Bell
10-23-2013, 05:22 PM
Beautiful earthen colors & lighting! The large partial platter in the upper left corner adds a perfect compositional balance to the jugs on the right. Your processing captures the feeling of antiquity very well and there is no telling this is through glass. You could bring out just a tiny bit more detail in the dark areas on the right so those two jugs do not blend into each other. Love the soft glow coming from the left to center.

Diane Miller
10-24-2013, 02:25 PM
Very nice capture, especially through glass. I also think I'd like to see more detail in the darks, but I'm on my iPhone and probably not seeing it that accurately. I'd be tempted to play with the white balance a little, but you probably did that and landed where you wanted it.

Richard Unsworth
10-24-2013, 02:42 PM
Adjusted wb a little - warmed
Used ACR filter to lift shadows a touch for details lr
thanks for suggestions

Nancy Bell
10-25-2013, 12:06 PM
Now that I see both approaches, I like the darkness of the OP as it adds a feeling of mystery to the aged pots. So maybe somewhere in between. Or maybe just a tiny bit of selective lightening on the dark areas.

Richard Unsworth
10-25-2013, 12:18 PM
I think I agree Nancy - thanks

Judy Howle
10-26-2013, 09:36 AM
I love the antique quality you brought out with processing and the texture. I agree with Nancy's suggestion of selectively lightening the dark jugs.