View Full Version : Gravity

Jackie Schuknecht
10-20-2013, 06:24 PM
I was thinking of posting this for the weekly theme, but didn't think it really fit a unique perspective. Anyways a picture of my feet with textures and flood added.

Diane Miller
10-20-2013, 07:44 PM
Don't think I've ever seen flood used "upside down" -- very creative! And I like the treatment, too.

10-22-2013, 04:30 AM
Love it, I think you must have a very creative mind for this kind of shot, I never would have thought of it.

Interested, did you just point your camera down at your feet and reverse somehow??? trying to get the mental image of how this was done.

I think it could be even more thought provoking if the BG or texture was blue-ish instead of the red tones, as my thought on the thumbnail was that it was an underwater shot. Unless of course that's not what you were going for.

Because of your title I'm trying to picture it in my head and come up with many ideas.

Nice one for sure.

Jackie Schuknecht
10-22-2013, 09:02 AM
Thanks Linz for your comments. This shot was actually taken sitting down, with blackboard as the BG. The flood I added and then flipped the photo. As for the colours I like the reddish-brown hue as the pic has a back-story. I broke my ankle a year ago and it is still not better. (Had to book off work again) The red reminded me of the operation and the blood (sorry if I am too graphic), and I wanted a pic to remind me in my twilight years to show me what I had been through. The brown reminded me off earth and how your feet are grounded to it. I actually printed up a pic w/o the flood and I think if I look at it long enough I can will myself to get better:)!Also if you look at camera left, you can see the bad ankle and the swelling as compared to the right foot.

Nancy Bell
10-22-2013, 12:00 PM
This is quite a creative image of a mundane body part! Having the water above your feet is brilliant. The effect is so well done that my brain did not register the physical weirdness of the position of the water and the clear feet. So sorry to hear the back ground story and hope your visualization technique works.

Anita Bower
10-22-2013, 01:27 PM
Beautiful feet! A creative approach, for sure. I like it. It is so unusual. I think it would qualify for the weekly theme. I see what you mean about the left ankle being a bit swollen. The colors and light are marvelous. For me, this image is of feet entering the water--healing and life-giving water--and I imaging the rest of the body will follow. Wonderful work!

Marina Scarr
10-22-2013, 04:38 PM
I loved this right from the thumbnail. Very creative. Love the movement in the water you created and the texture.

Christopher Miller
10-22-2013, 07:43 PM
Very creative image, Jackie. It has this very surreal look about it. I like your use of Flood and the toning.

Cheryl Slechta
10-23-2013, 02:02 PM
Absolutely wonderful work, Jackie. I like everything about it and I hope you are healing rapidly from here on out. The use of Flood upside down is especially effective.:S3:

Jackie Schuknecht
10-24-2013, 09:55 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone!

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
10-26-2013, 09:51 AM

Greetings. What a remarkable image. For me it has this strange combination of something familiar but out of my imagination. When I first saw this I thought of someone at the side of a pool dipping their feet, then I thought but it must be the view underwater. But neither from above or from underwater could feet look like this... not even remotely. From above there would be reflections and water turbulence (the whole image flooded), from below, well, I can't see any detail underwater. So what's familiar is my what my mind's eye is seeing of those feet underwater. Neat trick that.

Anyway, a very compelling image, Jackie. Good show!



Diane Miller
10-26-2013, 07:02 PM
The story makes this image even more special! I've had some foot problems that are trivial compared to this and I can attest that a foot is a very inconvenient thing to have compromised. Best thoughts for healing!!

Kerry Perkins
10-26-2013, 09:23 PM
Hi Jackie, I'm a little late to the party, but I have to say that this in an awesome image! You do indeed have a very creative mind and the ability to realize your vision so perfectly. I love everything about this one! I can relate to your situation with your ankle (I'm guessing it was your right ankle) as I've been dealing with spinal issues for a year now. It will get better, just takes a long time!