View Full Version : Red Tail and Lupine

10-04-2013, 11:48 PM
Another composite of three photos.
This is just experimenting and learning in PS for me, it doesn't mean anything, just attempting to blend a pleasant image
from past photos of mine.
Sort of corny, but I liked this.

DSC_rt1bp.jpg (http://www.birdphotographers.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=133194&stc=1&d=1380948408)

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
10-05-2013, 12:32 PM

Greetings. If it doesn't mean anything, I'm not sure if you are looking for comments.



10-05-2013, 01:25 PM
Michael, I really don't quite know what the purpose of the images in OOTB is, except just creating fun or interesting or visually pleasing images.
In the post I did the other day, It was commented that I needed some kind of connection to the images, so that is what I was referring to when I
said it did not mean anything.
People can comment or not.......

Sandy Witvoet
10-05-2013, 02:49 PM
Well.... I'll comment! BOOSH! This totally blows me away!!!! The intensity of the hawk blended with the lovely subdued violets of the Lupine and varied background work together beautifully. Small suggestion I would have is if there is some way to diminish the white (yarrow?) in the upper left... the bright whites there may draw attention away from the RT. Perhaps a bit more saturation on the hawk's head? This work-of-art would take front and center on my living room wall. I think the artistic license you've taken with this is wonderful.

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
10-05-2013, 04:16 PM
Michael, I really don't quite know what the purpose of the images in OOTB is, except just creating fun or interesting or visually pleasing images.
In the post I did the other day, It was commented that I needed some kind of connection to the images, so that is what I was referring to when I
said it did not mean anything.
People can comment or not.......

Dan, sorry, I guess I misunderstood your initial post. I post to OOTB as I would to the other forums, to hear from others whether the image I post has interest conveyed through composition and technique, Whether the posted image engages the viewer or what elements may distract from a primary focus.

It sounded like you were saying you were just trying out some techniques for no particular purpose, which is a showstopper for comments (well, from me at least).

A comment about the image without trying to unravel what was meant by the description: The hawk is such a strong image the lupines seem to diminish rather than add to the result. The white flowers to my eye are problematic, one chopped in half and the other too tight on top and obscuring the lupines. The bottom orange gradient works well with the hawk accentuating the feather detail. Otherwise, I rather miss seeing all of the hawk. My 2 cents, ymmv.


Diane Miller
10-05-2013, 05:43 PM
As a piece of art /design, I think this is potentially absolutely wonderful! I love how the lilacs and golds work together.

The white flowers are a problem, as pointed out, and there is a fix. I would go to the flower layer and clone out the flower that is cut in two on the left edge, then distort that layer by pulling the UL corner straight down, till there was some room above the larger white flower. (You can do this with the hawk layer visible for good control.) Then fill in the space on that layer with cloning or content-aware fill and you might have a major wonderful piece!

I might also add a little contrast to the hawk's face and body, with a very soft-edged brush masking a Curves layer. (If you're new to PS that might be something to learn next week....)

BTW - if you have used the eraser tool, learn to use a mask instead. It is non-destructive. If you did use a mask, you've set a world's record for learning PS!

Jackie Schuknecht
10-06-2013, 10:50 AM
Lovely colours and design. I especially like the gradient. I might remove the twig on the right and just keep the flowers. Very well done.

Cheryl Slechta
10-06-2013, 07:24 PM
Dan, the base image of the hawk must have been beautiful. I like the combination of images and think it holds together well - it would be something I would be proud of. As Jackie mentioned, I think I'd like it better without the stick on the right.