View Full Version : Squacoo Heron - a notorious skulker

Richard Flack
10-03-2013, 10:44 AM

Not ideal light conditions on what was a cloudy, windy day but I still liked the look and feel of this shot (especially since these skulkers are not the most accommodating when it comes to being photographed). I look forward to your comments and hope it is of interest.

Location: Marievale
Date taken: 23 September 2013
Photo details:
Canon EOS 7D
400mm f2.8
ISO 800
Shutter speed 1/800
F-stop 5.6
Exposure bias 0

Marina Scarr
10-03-2013, 11:51 AM
Very nice image with a good pose, angle and very cool feathers on this bird's head/neck. I am seeing a halo around at least the beak.

Jonathan Ashton
10-03-2013, 11:59 AM
A nicely composed shot and well exposed. I am wondering how much the image has been cropped, I sense the quality may be improved by reducing the crop - please correct me if my assumption is incorrect.

Karl Egressy
10-03-2013, 07:32 PM
Nice image, excellent pose.

Grace Scalzo
10-03-2013, 09:42 PM
Very much interest here, especially around the head, Richard. Beautiful pose, and I rather like the light..it is very even.

gail bisson
10-04-2013, 05:44 AM
Congrats on getting this gut out in the open. You are right when you say they are always skulking.
I might be tempted to clone out some of the green vegetation in the water as I find it a bit distracting. Certainly not a deal breaker.
The diagonal perch is pleasing as well,

Richard Flack
10-04-2013, 11:31 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Jonathan, it was a vertical crop (not that big). Thanks for your comment.
My NR on the BG may have messed with the beak. (Will have a closer look)
Have an awesome weekend everyone.

Gabriela Plesea
10-04-2013, 03:46 PM
And an awesome week-end to you too, Richard:w3, great capture and a very pleasing BG, subject pops nicely and the sharpness is there where it counts-well done!

Kind regards,