View Full Version : There's being on a diet and being on a diet, DIPPER.

christopher galeski
10-02-2013, 02:24 AM
Took this image as it was feeding,and as you can see,some of its food item's,are quite small,I will give you a rest from Dipper's after this image,thanks for looking.cannon 500mm IS LF4,7D,tripod,ext giving 700mm FL,ISO800,F5.6,1/400S,EXP COMP 2/3,CROP,sharrpened,denoised BG,lightened.

Iain Barker
10-02-2013, 07:35 AM
Another nice image Chris.
I didn't notice its food until I read your description.
It may be worth burning the bright area at the top of the rock behind the beak so it is not as distracting.

Diane Miller
10-02-2013, 09:08 AM
I love the light on the water and the soft colors and soft focus on the BG -- very artistic. The bird is a little lost, for me -- I wonder if it's possible to bring out more detail in it.

Marina Scarr
10-02-2013, 11:18 AM
Talk about a tiny little prey in its beak. They sure have to work hard to sustain. I really like the way the bird is looking down, the light on the water and the color scheme. I would take a little off of the bottom and right to clean up those edged in the lower right corner. I did it myself and it really looked good.

Grace Scalzo
10-02-2013, 09:42 PM
No need to end the dipper series on my account! I have totally enjoyed these and this is no exception. I think that Marina has an excellent suggestion on the compostion, but other than that, I think it's an excellent photo.

christopher galeski
10-03-2013, 12:33 AM
Thank you Grace for your nice comments.

Jonathan Ashton
10-03-2013, 11:56 AM
Chris these dipper shots are making me consider a trip to North Wales - the dipper in this one is very good indeed. The detail in the plumage is excellent so the image gets my vote.
The surroundings are "typical" and from a natural history point of view just fine. From a coffee table top pic point of view not so but I think we know the difference.