View Full Version : Toned Cathedral

Cheryl Slechta
09-26-2013, 10:07 AM
I'm finally catching up from my trip and thought I'd try a toned image (thanks to Kerry's tutorial suggestions!) I used the Gradient Mask in CC using the Gold/Selenium toning. I had been working on this image months ago and had done some pretty funky things to it in Topaz Adjust but I don't remember what I did - I think something Chrome maybe?
The cathedral is a small building in Tampa, Florida near the University of Tampa downtown. I took the liberty of removing a small steeple that I had clipped the top off of. It was a flying stop to shoot a few images and jump back in my friend's car so I didn't get the whole steeple.

Nancy Bell
09-26-2013, 01:48 PM
Cheryl, I really how the gold/selenium toning allows all the interesting lines and shapes to become the focus of this image. I think the real colors would be confusing and make it difficult to see the architecture of the cathedral. The grid-like backdrop of the modern building adds an element of surprise, two time periods overlapping in space but not in time. The other worldly toning also adds to the time-warp feeling.

Cindy Cone
09-27-2013, 02:17 PM
I think the tones work very well for this, Cheryl. It does really make interesting patterns and nice compositional lines. I might like the lighter area on the lower left to have little more definition, but it's wonderful as presented.

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
09-27-2013, 07:00 PM

Greetings. Interesting image. I like the juxtaposition of the old and new, straight and curved and the tonal shifts from the bottom to top of the image. I'm not sure about the seeming loss of detail in the central lighter toned part (compare the detail in the lower darker stone against the detail of the stone at the circular window frame and pillars). It's not something that jumps out at me, just on close inspection.

It does hold my interest. I think if you were to work this more you might consider losing the street light (a tricky clone). Thanks for posting this very interesting image.



Judy Howle
09-27-2013, 11:53 PM
I really like the lines and patterns in the architecture and I love the colors! It's just peachy! :w3