View Full Version : Great Blue Heron Plumage Detail.

Daniel Cadieux
09-18-2013, 07:40 PM
If you saw my GBH frog catch closeup here (http://www.birdphotographers.net/forums/showthread.php/113696-Doomed!!!-(Frog-Lovers-Beware!)) I explained that I was going for some abstract plumage images before it began to hunt from point-blank range. Here is the result of what I was concentrating on...

Canon 7D + 500mm f/4 II + 1.4TC, manual exposure, evaluative metering, 1/160s., f/11, ISO 800, natural light, handheld (elbows resting on one knee), full-frame, some specks removed via spot removal tool.

Karl Egressy
09-18-2013, 07:46 PM
Great details and different textures. Well done, Daniel. The resolution of the new lens is pretty good.

Diane Miller
09-18-2013, 09:36 PM
Wonderful! I love details like this!

If anyone is seeing moire, just zoom your screen -- it's you, not him!

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
09-19-2013, 04:33 AM
Superb detail and sharpness! The 500 II is just outstanding even with 1.4X III. Dan, would there be a marginally better IQ if shot at ISO 400 with the 7D? How much sharpening did you apply in post?

Stu Bowie
09-19-2013, 11:57 AM
Hi Dan, I too like these type of imkages, and its a guess where to pick the best spot to shoot, as every frame will be completely different. I like how the lines 'fall down' to the LLC. Superb detail in the feathers.

Well captured.

Marina Scarr
09-20-2013, 06:06 PM
Interesting that there are so few comments on this image when compared to the more traditional images that you post. So many members seem to get "tongue-tied" when they see an out-of-the box or small bird in the frame image.

Love your thinking on this one, Daniel. I had great fun experimenting in a similar fashion with a Sandhill Crane. I like the comp/crop you chose and the pink hue and blue hues. Well seen and executed.

Daniel Cadieux
09-21-2013, 06:23 AM
Superb detail and sharpness! The 500 II is just outstanding even with 1.4X III. Dan, would there be a marginally better IQ if shot at ISO 400 with the 7D? How much sharpening did you apply in post?

Thanks! I suppose that theoretically there would be a slight in crease in IQ but in high detail (well exposed) images like this one I do not see it. To me the difference shows more in smooth areas and BGs...particularly darker ones. I applied USM as the following: Amount, 50; radius, 1.3 (my default), and threshold, 0 (also my default).

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
09-21-2013, 09:36 AM
Thanks Dan for sharing the USM techs & for clarifying the IQ difference between 400 & 800 on 7D. Your images are always inspiring!

Doug Brown
09-24-2013, 09:18 PM
I happen to like this frame very much. I think your balance of aperture, SS, and ISO was perfect. Composition is quite good. Many of the feathers look decidedly silver, which I wasn't expecting.