View Full Version : Juve Male Lion

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
09-15-2013, 10:31 PM
5DIII+500 II
ISO 400

Gregor Bergquist
09-16-2013, 05:04 PM
Hi Sanjeev

This is for my taste a ok portrait. His expression have that serious lion look, that I like. I also like the nice BG, sharpness and colors. But think it is to bad his right pawn is cut, and that there is a other lions back in background.

TFS / Gregor

Rachel Hollander
09-16-2013, 06:36 PM
Hi Sanjeev - nice dof, detail and overall IQ. I feel the image is a bit bright and can benefit from a luminosity mask at about 35% to tone down the highlights. I too would prefer more room below and wonder if by moving the vehicle to the right you could have avoided the lion in the bg. Keep them coming!


Steve Kaluski
09-18-2013, 05:08 AM
Hi Sanjeev, it's always difficult with a shot like this IMHO and therefore perhaps adding the 1.4x and going for a more detailed/close-upo may have been a better option, or at least have the two options. The techs looks good and as rachel mentioned, moving position may have given you a better position, however I do appreciate the circus that soon arrives with a sighting like this and so it an make things even more difficult.

I might suggest dropping the Magenta in the Red channel of Selct Col and then tweaking the allow Channel, adding a bit of mid tone to bring out a bit more detail in the maine & paws, then a Curves adj to just bring a bit more from the eyes, nose and to give a bit more forum. Not ideal, but perhaps something like this? It's not so flat, but you can tweak the colour more to your taste.
