View Full Version : Out of the box IR

Diane Miller
09-13-2013, 03:40 PM
And actually, straight out. ACR / LR can't bring the color temp to the "correct" level for my IR filter -- DPP can, but I've found that for going to my normal B/W processing it doesn't make much difference, so I just go from the capture as it comes up in LR (with basic tonal adjustments if needed) to Silver Efex pro. But I've always thought the RAW version with its odd color temp was interesting, so here one is -- right out of the box, in a different sense than the usual here.

From the Bristlecone Forest in the White Mountains, CA.

Canon 5D, 16-35 f/2.8 II at 16, ISO 100, f/8. 1/90 sec.

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
09-13-2013, 07:43 PM

Greetings. Wow, the color is super! I particularly like how it doesn't look artificially colorized (at least to my eye) but like the scene is just that color... or something. Orange Martian skies! Too cool.

Thanks much for posting.



Cindy Cone
09-14-2013, 06:30 AM
Great IR, Diane. Love the colors, the sun behind the trees, and the details of the bark. I like it portrayed as is, " in the raw".

Kerry Perkins
09-14-2013, 08:27 PM
Love, love, love this Diane! The Bristlecones are alien enough by themselves, but the colors here make this one just phenomenal in my book. Excellent composition and capture as well!

gary ellwein
09-15-2013, 12:06 AM
Good composition with surreal colors. Would like to see the finished product.

Diane Miller
09-15-2013, 03:55 PM
Here's a B/W conversion, in Silver Efex Pro. There are many variables I can balance. Did some Structure, then went to the Hue and Strength sliders; moved the Strength to the middle and moved the Hue around till I got the darkness in the sky I liked, then moved Strength to tweak. (I never know what is best here -- you can get a huge range of effects.) Then tweaked the Sensitivity sliders a little -- lightening yellows gave me a better gradient in the sky, lightening the lower portion. Then did Nik Glamour Glow with a touch of Detail Extractor. Then blurred the edges. I especially like to do that on wide angle shots because the 16-35 II (and the 24-70) is bad in the corners at wide apertures on a full-frame camera. For IR I like to stay at f/6.7 or wider, but this one was at f/8 for reasons I don't remember. The IR filter causes an odd very soft-edged flare in the center of an image that gets worse with smaller apertures. It's independent of where the sun is and varies with different lenes. Supposedly caused by the high reflectivity of the filter.

IR is another world.

Diane Miller
09-15-2013, 04:32 PM
Or I think I like it better with a lighter sky -- I never cared for the black skies typical of IR.

Jackie Schuknecht
09-16-2013, 02:09 PM
Somehow I really like the original. great OOTB Diane.

Mitch Carucci
09-21-2013, 04:05 PM
I like all the versions! The first version is really OOTB. The B&Ws have a wonderful glow.