View Full Version : Fairwell Nickerson Skimmers...

Frank McNamara
09-06-2013, 05:33 AM
...the babies are flying and everyone is on the beach practicing flying as a flock. 1DIII - 400L 5.6 - iso400 - 5.6 - 1/3000.

I have attempted to employ suggestions from my previous post.


Thank you and enjoy.


Randy Stout
09-06-2013, 07:44 AM

This one is much 'cleaner' than the last, fewer bits and pieces. SKy is nice with faint clouds, overall exposure good .

Personally I would still like a bit more separation of the two front birds.

Could stand a bit more sharpening on the birds as well.

I find flock shots the toughest to pull off. Can be spectacular, but lots of images that just don't quite make it.

You are def. moving in the right direction.



Frank McNamara
09-06-2013, 09:36 AM
Thank you Randy
Over the years (40) Mrs. Mc has been critiquing me and I have learned to accept it constructively.