View Full Version : Anna's Hummingbird

Diane Miller
08-25-2013, 11:30 PM
At least I'm pretty sure that what he is. We're inland from the coast NW of San Francisco and that is a common species here.

Canon 5D Mk III, 300mm f/2.8 IS, Gitzo with Wimberley head. Bird was in the shade with an ambient exposure probably about 3 under. Three flashes for effective shutter speed of around 1/8000 or more. ISO 400, f/16.

Part of a feeder cloned out on the right and a small amount of canvas added on the bottom. Cropped top and sides to 60% of original frame. Basic LR adjustments and into PS to clone out the feeder and tweak colors a small amount. Some background greenery or a flower would be nice but it didn't happen this day.

C&C always appreciated.

gail bisson
08-26-2013, 04:58 AM
Wonderful details and IQ on the hummer.
The far wing is OOF due to lack DOF but that is a good thing in this case because it makes it look like a bit of wing blur which I like and gives some movement to the image.
Agree about the BG but still a really nice shot. Love those little feet-makes me smile,

Grace Scalzo
08-26-2013, 08:52 AM
There is nothing wrong with this image...hummingbirds are difficult. Your capture is fine as is your flash work and technique. Here comes the "but"..... I feel like it is lacking in artistry. My eye is longing for an interesting flower, bg, perch, composition, something....just to complete this and make me want to hang it on my wall.

Richard Stern
08-26-2013, 09:11 AM

I was thinking the same thing as Grace, and then saw her post. It would be nice indeed to have some sort of context for the bird. The bird itself is superb, and the flash system has worked well.


Stu Bowie
08-26-2013, 10:21 AM
Hi Diane, excellent flash work which in turn has created perfect exposure. I really like the sharpness you have achieved with the multiple flash work, and agree, hovering towards a flower would have worked out better. :w3

Diane Miller
08-26-2013, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the comments -- I agree it's lacking in artistic appeal. I have to try to train these guys about flowers. They're spoiled by the feeders and will just sit and sulk until I put the sugar-syrupy flowers away and bring the feeders back out. Will work on it, though. (They also come and find me and complain if the feeders gets empty. They are amazing little things.)

I've had some conflict about using a printed BG. Of course the BG here isn't sky. With this flash technique it's a mat board from the local art supply store, lighted by the third flash. Otherwise, you get a ghost image of the wings. But I think I need to print an artistic background to use. Or it wouldn't be difficult to substitute a BG for the sky in PS with an image like this. I'll play with it and re-post if I get a decent one.

Is that cheating too much?

Frank Schauf
08-26-2013, 11:29 AM
Really nice flight shot and great details.

Ted Ellis
08-26-2013, 01:46 PM
Beautiful shot and excellent detail Diane.


Diane Miller
08-26-2013, 06:45 PM
Thanks, everyone! I'll print an OOF BG to try instead of the blue mat board. I did experiment with adding a BG -- found one with similar colors that is somewhat interesting. Most that I tried just didn't look right.

Karl Egressy
08-26-2013, 08:52 PM
Beauty image. the repost with the much better background looks so much better.

Cheryl Arena Molennor
08-27-2013, 09:22 PM
I love this little birdie! Those little feet are so darn cute and your detail is amazing I really liked the blu bg but also like the other one too

Diane Miller
08-27-2013, 09:30 PM
Thanks, everyone! I'll print a new BG to substitute for the blue mat board and shoot some more when I have time.

David Salem
08-28-2013, 10:59 PM
Great looking shot of this hummer. Awesome detail in this shot Diane. I like the tight comp for this as it concentrates on the fine detail in the bird. The repost looks much better. Well done

Diane Miller
08-28-2013, 11:19 PM
Thanks! I've been shooting these little guys for several years and get a nice percentage of tack-sharp ones. The 300 f/2.8 is a wonderful lens, and the pinpoint AF on the 5D3 body is perfect for hummers. But I had good luck with the 5D2 also -- the secret is catching them as they back away from the feeder and are momentarily still.

Marina Scarr
09-05-2013, 06:05 PM
Terrific details. Prefer the BG on the RP.