View Full Version : Plumbeous Vireo

Miguel Palaviccini
08-25-2013, 06:47 PM
Birding in NM has been a lot better than I expected. I've the the chance to meet some great photographers and they have been nothing but helpful. This weekend I took a trip to the other side of the Sandias, where you're hard pressed to find anything but green in the Cimbola Forest. It was a treat. Close to 20 species between the two days, with 16 of those being lifers (spent the better part of 3 hours ID'ing on Saturday). Not many portfolio worthy images, but I did have a couple that I really liked and thought I would share.

Here is a Plumbeous Vireo - first time I'd heard of the species. I captured over 2 dozen images of this guy, but this was the only one where I could get a nice pose.

Shooting Info:
Nikon D800 | 500 f/4 VR +1.4xII
1/800" | f/8 | ISO 1000

Joe Senzatimore
08-25-2013, 08:00 PM
Beautiful subject. Image has great detail and fine exposure. the perch is a bit heavy for the bird , so perhaps cropping some off the bottom would work.

Satish Ranadive
08-25-2013, 11:27 PM
Beautiful image. Very nice pose,exposure and details.Though the perch colors are complimentary to the bird, would tone down slightly.
Agree about crop at bottom.Love the pose with nice HA and beautiful BG.


Bill Dix
08-26-2013, 08:55 AM
Hi Miguel. Congrats on all the lifers, and on getting a fine shot of this one. Great pose, which shows off his spectacles very nicely. And I love the purple spots in the bg. I agree with the others that a crop from the bottom would help, and maybe a slight reduction in brightness of the perch. Fine image. I'd love to see this guy someday.

Grace Scalzo
08-26-2013, 09:03 AM
Cute pose, great bird. Agree about the perch but not a deal breaker. I'd run a bit more noise reduction on the background.

Daniel Cadieux
08-28-2013, 06:04 PM
Glad the birding and bird photography is off to a great start for you in NM! Nice species with a pretty good alert pose. I like the comp, details, BG. I agree cropping some off the bottom, to above the groove, and then toning it down afterwards would probably work well.

Could it be a Cassin's Vireo?