View Full Version : Solitude at Sunset

Kerry Perkins
07-25-2013, 12:42 AM
Well, I had this Bosque image cued up so here goes...

I would say this is just about perfect weather, Bosque just before sunset in November. There is a magic time when most of the visitors have left the loop roads and headed for the crane ponds; this is when I like to stay out and see what might be on the move. I applied a slight Orton effect using Topaz Lens Effects Diffusion as the blur tool.

Ian Cassell
07-25-2013, 11:42 PM
Hey, Kerry. This is a case where many miss the forest for the birds :)

Last time I was at Bosque, I was there for a full week and had a bit more time to just relax and enjoy rather than scramble for a blast-off image. It was pretty cold (January) but was still fun. I love the autumn colors here and the composition with the three layers (mountains, woods, foreground field) works great. I like this a lot, but would love to also see how it looks without the blur.

I'll probably be back there this year the second week in December (I have the week off, but haven't firmly decided on Bosque yet).

John Ippolito
07-26-2013, 08:15 PM
Hi Kerry, I'm really liking the composition and your processing on this. Perfect pose and the textured layers add a nice depth to the image. A lovely autumn scene. TFS

Cheryl Slechta
07-27-2013, 08:47 AM
Hi, Kerry, it's a lovely fall scene. I was so excited to see elk while I was there but they were too far away to get any images. Didn't see any deer but this is a lovely specimen.

Paul Lagasi
07-28-2013, 05:00 PM
Very nice scene, the deer in the frame is a bonus. Nice attentive pose on the deer, good effects. Thanks for sharing