View Full Version : Indian Roller: Landing.

Satish Ranadive
07-10-2013, 06:53 AM
Image was created in Feb, 2013. Cropped for composition and sharpened.
Pre focused on perch.

ISO: 1600, 1/4000 @ F: 5.6. Pattern metering.
WB: Auto. HH. Canon: 550D, 400mm.

Thanks for viewing and appreciation. C & C are highly appreciated.
Kind Regards.

Loi Nguyen
07-10-2013, 08:06 AM
Satisfy, lovely bird, good wing position, sharpness, good light. The perch is a bit too center for me. I'd suggest taking a little bit off the right. Well done. Loi

Frank Schauf
07-10-2013, 09:59 AM
Beautiful and colorful image.

Randy Stout
07-10-2013, 10:04 AM

Lovely colors, well exposed, nice pose, well scaled perch.

You can probably get by with a slightly slower shutter speed to allow you to reduce the ISO.



Jim Crosswell
07-10-2013, 10:16 AM
I like the colourful bird, raised wings and BG. Nice image Satish.

Stu Bowie
07-10-2013, 12:26 PM
Hi Satish, you wont go wrong with striking colours when these guys start flying about. Not easy to get perching shots, so well done with the timing. As mentioned, colours look spot on, great OOF BG, and if anything, I would move him to the right a touch more.

Vivaldo Damilano
07-10-2013, 12:39 PM
This is so stunning, love the colours and sharp roller. The image pops on my scene, love it. I agree with moving the bird back slightly.

mohammad reza shahab
07-10-2013, 01:39 PM
Lovely bird, well exposed, nice pose & perch.

Robert Holguin
07-10-2013, 04:21 PM
Wonderful shot.
Beautiful bird, excellent pose, nice light, great background and perch.
Agree on moving the bird a tad to the right.
Well done.

christopher galeski
07-11-2013, 02:07 AM
very nice Satish,its all been said,well done.

David Salem
07-11-2013, 09:15 AM
Nice work Satish. Love the bright colors of this beautiful species and you captured it well. The pose, detail and BG all make for a very nice frame. Well done!!

Satish Ranadive
07-11-2013, 11:41 PM
Thank you all for the feed back and comments.


Jonathan Ashton
07-14-2013, 04:54 AM
Satish this is beautiful, my only suggestion would be to place slightly to the right and maybe just a tad of NR.

Toan Huynh
07-17-2013, 02:32 AM
Wow that's a nice photo. The bird has good pose. Its colour is so beautiful.