View Full Version : Three's a crowd

Rudi van den Heever
06-29-2013, 02:47 PM
Another image from my first trip to Giant's Castle in the Drakensberg region of South Africa...

Yip, I had to much glass and clipped the wing, but curious about your thoughts on this conversion in Silver Efex... recycle bin or a keeper?:e3

Equipment: Canon 7D and 500mm F4 L lens
Settings: 1/5000s at F5.6 and ISO 500

Randy Stout
06-29-2013, 03:05 PM

I think the B&W conversion shows a very nice tonal range, excellent detail. Very difficult image to capture from a dof standpoint with three birds, one landing.

I would have considered trading a bit of shutter speed, go to perhaps 1/2500s to get a little more DOF.

The clipped wing doesn't bother me, as all the lines lead to the center of the frame.

In a perfect world, would hope for slightly more separation of the heads of the top two birds.



Marina Scarr
06-30-2013, 11:51 AM
This is a pretty powerful image, and I like the conversion. Super tonal range and a lot to look at and consider. While I like this composition, I find the clipped wing a little too bit in the frame and taking some of my attention away from the action...not b/c it's clipped BTW. I tried a version cropped down to the cut in the wing feather and a little more off of the right as another option.

Cheryl Arena Molennor
07-01-2013, 12:09 PM
Hi Rudi, Cool interaction here and I like the B&W as well. Too bad a bout the wing.