View Full Version : Leeches!!!....I'm outa here !

06-29-2013, 04:58 AM
Black Swan taken at a small narrow backwater lagoon. Yes the backdrop is too busy, exposure could be better yada yada yada....but I liked his fast action water treading feet, comical I thought lol

Taken just on dark under dull rainy sky from the Kayak...surprised it worked at all to be honest under adverse conditions.

Nikon D300 + Tokina 300 f2.8....f4, 1/2000, ISO 800, no flash, hand held.......adjusted WB, selective sharpen, shadow lighten, noise reduction to backdrop, cropped

Arthur Morris
06-29-2013, 07:34 AM
Nice running pose but the WHITEs in the far wing are both detail-less and over-exposed. Were you in Manual mode?

In the BreezeBrowser Main View here the blacks on the far wing show significant over-exposure as does the red box showing the clipping.

Miguel Palaviccini
06-29-2013, 07:51 AM

Your self assessment is spot on: not a great exposure, but a very nice action captured. I like the timing with both wings fully extended. bg is a bit too close to the subject, but again, can't beat the action!


06-29-2013, 08:41 AM
Nice running pose but the WHITEs in the far wing are both detail-less and over-exposed. Were you in Manual mode?

In the BreezeBrowser Main View here the blacks on the far wing show significant over-exposure as does the red box showing the clipping.

Thanks Arthur, I made mention of being it poorly exposed in my original post, cant get them perfect every time I guess :S3:.....probably shouldn't of bothered to post it to be honest, but I just liked the flapping comical looking feet. Was shot in aperture priority mode, usually try it in manual, but trying constantly to dial in a better exposure from a rocking Kayak on rapidly fleeing birds was almost impossible in this particular instance. Not much more info available as the particular lens used does not register everything, and with a TC registers nothing

Satish Ranadive
06-29-2013, 09:00 AM
Very nice action captured. Is it a big crop? I do agree with Arthur Sir about details in whites.


Arthur Morris
06-29-2013, 09:16 AM


Thanks Arthur.


I made mention of being it poorly exposed in my original post.

"Saying "the exposure could be better" is not exactly the same as saying "The WHITEs on the upper wing are toasted and detail-less."

Cant get them perfect every time I guess :S3:.....

Well, there is an important lesson here whether you are working in Manual mode or Av. If you are photographing a black bird that you know has white on it like this bird or a Black Duck for example and you are getting a good exposure of the bird swimming, you need to realize that you need to go 2/3 to one full stop darker if the bird takes off or flaps so as not to over-expose the WHITEs.

probably shouldn't of bothered to post it to be honest, but I just liked the flapping comical looking feet.

I like that too.

Was shot in aperture priority mode, usually try it in manual, but trying constantly to dial in a better exposure from a rocking Kayak on rapidly fleeing birds was almost impossible in this particular instance.

Almost impossible unless you put your thinking cap on. And the fact that you used the word "birds" indicating that more than one bird took flight makes the case for the prosecution even stronger.... Getting the right exposure from a rocking kayak is a lot easier than getting the bird nicely in the frame..... I do prefer manual in these situations as all that is required is two or three clicks of the index finger dial....

Not much more info available as the particular lens used does not register everything, and with a TC registers nothing.

I am glad that you posted it as there is a chance that you and others can learn from what transpired here.

Shawn Zierman
06-29-2013, 10:03 AM
Excellent self critique.
Beautiful bird. I'll bet it's a bit of a rush to be in a kayak near a bird that large when it takes off. I've enjoyed the conversation the image sparked. I struggle with exposure when it comes to contrasty subjects/action...

Arthur Morris
06-29-2013, 10:29 AM
As I have been saying for years, there is no reason at all to struggle with exposure when using digital. You guys should have tried film! All that you need to do is get some data in the right-most box of the histogram. All who struggle at all with exposure are pointed to the two book combo (https://store.birdsasart.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=84): ABP (https://store.birdsasart.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=16)for the best-ever treatment of exposure theory so that you can come up with the right exposure in one second even when faced with extreme situations, and ABP II (https://store.birdsasart.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=19)for Exposure Simplified. For those who do not wish to study and learn they can keep on guessing :) We send them all over the world every week :).

06-29-2013, 07:35 PM
As I have been saying for years, there is no reason at all to struggle with exposure when using digital. You guys should have tried film! All that you need to do is get some data in the right-most box of the histogram. All who struggle at all with exposure are pointed to the two book combo (https://store.birdsasart.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=84): ABP (https://store.birdsasart.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=16)for the best-ever treatment of exposure theory so that you can come up with the right exposure in one second even when faced with extreme situations, and ABP II (https://store.birdsasart.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=19)for Exposure Simplified. For those who do not wish to study and learn they can keep on guessing :) We send them all over the world every week :).

Appreciate the advice, I get some good advice on here from time to time, and the advice you have offered is sound. I understand what is being said, and I certainly knew the image shortcomings before posting, which is why I made mention of it. I did have reservations about posting it here, I merely posted it for the sake of a love of the natural world, to share a little of Australia, and active participation on the forum, but think now the idea was not a good one.

" there is no reason at all to struggle with exposure ".......I rather figured I got my exposures correct most of the time, didn't really think I struggled very often. But as was the case with this, it was fleeting moment.

" For those who do not wish to study and learn they can keep on guessing ".....was that meant to be as demeaning as it comes across ?

" you can come up with the right exposure in one second even when faced with extreme situations "....I guess my reflexes at age 58 are just too slow to achieve perfection in a second every time, poorer quality gear probably doesn't help either....I'm a long way of being wealthy.

So, I also had reservations about responding to your comments...but sometimes my pride needs bolstering. It's very hard being one of very few active Australians on here, and I try hard to fit in....but ?

Arthur Morris
06-29-2013, 07:50 PM
Appreciate the advice, I get some good advice on here from time to time, and the advice you have offered is sound. I understand what is being said, and I certainly knew the image shortcomings before posting, which is why I made mention of it. I did have reservations about posting it here, I merely posted it for the sake of a love of the natural world, to share a little of Australia, and active participation on the forum, but think now the idea was not a good one.

" there is no reason at all to struggle with exposure ".......I rather figured I got my exposures correct most of the time, didn't really think I struggled very often. But as was the case with this, it was fleeting moment.

" For those who do not wish to study and learn they can keep on guessing ".....was that meant to be as demeaning as it comes across ?

" you can come up with the right exposure in one second even when faced with extreme situations "....I guess my reflexes at age 58 are just too slow to achieve perfection in a second every time, poorer quality gear probably doesn't help either....I'm a long way of being wealthy.

So, I also had reservations about responding to your comments...but sometimes my pride needs bolstering. It's very hard being one of very few active Australians on here, and I try hard to fit in....but ?

I tried to help. You chose to take it personally. And that is your choice. I find that many folks spend tens of $K on gear but never study or learn. Understanding exposure has nothing to do with the price of your gear.

As I said, I appreciate your posting the image. Getting the right exposure in one second has zero to do with reflexes and everything to do with knowing exposure theory. Your sad sack tone wrought with excuses and self pity does not play well for me.

I pointed out the serious flaw in your image and taught you how to avoid such mistakes in the future. You chose to feel demeaned. Your call on that. See www.theWork.com if you would like to find some peace and get out of your funk.

06-29-2013, 11:46 PM
I am unsure I should weigh in, but here goes.
Phil, you have posted a lot of great images here, amazing variety of birds, and I look forward to a lot more.
If you met Arthur, you would realize that nothing he states is meant to be demeaning or personal at all.
He was and is just a passionate teacher.
This is not a good photo and I say that as someone who has posted a Bunch of crappy photo's here.
I wish this site had more "Arthur's", the lack of critiquing and overall participation is depressing to me.
The action is nice in the shot and I know that is why you posted it.

06-30-2013, 02:40 AM
I tried to help. You chose to take it personally. And that is your choice. I find that many folks spend tens of $K on gear but never study or learn. Understanding exposure has nothing to do with the price of your gear.

As I said, I appreciate your posting the image. Getting the right exposure in one second has zero to do with reflexes and everything to do with knowing exposure theory. Your sad sack tone wrought with excuses and self pity does not play well for me.

I pointed out the serious flaw in your image and taught you how to avoid such mistakes in the future. You chose to feel demeaned. Your call on that. See www.theWork.com (http://www.theWork.com) if you would like to find some peace and get out of your funk.

One minute you say I'm taking things too personally, and then you give me a link to your therapist www.theWork.com (http://www.theWork.com).....I see this as somewhat contradictory and surprisingly unprofessional ? As is often the case it's not what you say but how it's put forward.

So now that I've crossed paths with the " Boss " I have little choice and am more than happy to exit honorably.

Arthur Morris
06-30-2013, 03:38 AM
One minute you say I'm taking things too personally, and then you give me a link to your therapist www.theWork.com (http://www.theWork.com).....I see this as somewhat contradictory and surprisingly unprofessional ? As is often the case it's not what you say but how it's put forward.

So now that I've crossed paths with the " Boss " I have little choice and am more than happy to exit honorably.

I see that you did not bother to even look at The Work. Byron Katie teaches us not to take things personally. Nor did you bother to read Dan's post immediately above. As she says, life is about choices. And so is happiness. This statement of yours, "I see this as somewhat contradictory and surprisingly unprofessional ?" makes zero sense. I'd love for you to explain it to me.

Whatever you choose, best and later and love, artie

Arthur Morris
06-30-2013, 03:43 AM
I am unsure I should weigh in, but here goes. Phil, you have posted a lot of great images here, amazing variety of birds, and I look forward to a lot more. If you met Arthur, you would realize that nothing he states is meant to be demeaning or personal at all. He was and is just a passionate teacher. This is not a good photo and I say that as someone who has posted a Bunch of crappy photo's here. I wish this site had more "Arthur's", the lack of critiquing and overall participation is depressing to me. The action is nice in the shot and I know that is why you posted it.

Thanks Dan. I agree 100% with what you say about the overall lack of critiquing and lack of participation" 147 views, 3 comments..... Phil is choosing to take my comments very personally. I am not sure from his comments below if he is leaving this post or leaving BPN. Either way that is his choice and I wish him the best.

I wish that I had the time to critique every image posted not only in Avian but in every critique Forum, but that is simply not possible. As it is, I have more than 23,000 posts here and I have tried to make every one of them substantive and honest.

Arthur Morris
06-30-2013, 04:12 AM
ps: Though I have never met Byron Katie I have found much peace by doing The Work (www.TheWork.com (http://www.thework.com/index.php)). "Who would you be without your story?" I do hope to meet her in person one day before I croak to thank her and give her a hug.

David Salem
06-30-2013, 08:09 PM
Hey Phil,

Nice take off shot even though the whites are blown on the wing. Keep your usual solid posts coming. PMed you.
