View Full Version : Out of the Box Image of the Week for the week ending May 3rd, 2013: Paul Lagasi - The Victor Dances

Daniel Cadieux
06-04-2013, 01:59 PM
Congratulations Paul!

Early morning, the squabbles are over...the dominant male dances for the female. This male was in an area of the lek all to himself and the other males stayed away but not the females.

I had a lovely time photographing these birds but most of the photos were taken at 10,000 to 25,000 ISO. They had controll burned the area of the lek and the ground was black, add to that overcast skies and early mornings. Most of the images were very grainy.

I used Topaz simplify to reduced the image and copied, pasted certain colors back in using Color Range to select them. I masked the burnt grasses and painted in green.

I enjoyed my time but I know I'll have to get back there and allow a few more days time (I really need to get there when there's clear skies.
I'll be posting on my blog tomorrow, photos, contact numbers and directions to Lek area.

For the female all I did was copy the black striping on her body and head, pasted it into image.

Thanks for looking, more to come.

p.s. 5 weeks to Alaska, can't wait. You know what they say you can't hit a moving target.

Paul Lagasi
06-05-2013, 12:20 AM
Once again, thank you very much.....hopefully I can get a few more good ones in Alaska in June, plane leave tomorrow AM, can't wait or sleep

Indranil Sircar
06-06-2013, 01:18 AM
Congratulations Paul! Wonderful and artistic composition!

Cheryl Slechta
06-06-2013, 07:56 AM
Congratulations, Paul. Have a great, productive trip:S3:

Paul Lagasi
06-09-2013, 03:29 AM
Thank You Cheryl and Indranil, much appreciated.

Sitting here in Aurora Inn in Nome, Alaska. Pouring rain outside and 39 degrees. Fly out tomorrow to Gambell, Alaska for 10 days and better weather I hope.