View Full Version : Swimming the Luangwa

Russell Johnson
05-25-2013, 04:17 AM
Another taken back in 2007 during a little stint in Zambia's Luangwa valley.

This was taken at the Luangwa Wafwa early one morning.

5D + 500mm
1/800 @ F4
ISO 200

Always had colour issues with this image, and think I finally beat my nemesis


Loi Nguyen
05-25-2013, 08:45 AM
Russell, beautiful light. I see why you want to shoot IDE, but this image isn't working for me as the subject is too small in the frame. Sorry. Loi

Rachel Hollander
05-25-2013, 08:51 AM
Hi Russell - beautiful light, nice smooth water and definitely not an image we see every day. I too would prefer it for the lion to be bigger in frame. I'm not sure if IQ would hold up to a crop but this is still an image I would be happy to have taken and seen. TFS, Rachel

Marina Scarr
05-25-2013, 10:24 AM
This image has quite a lot of impact, Russell. If the lion were bigger in the frame, I am not sure it would carry as much impact as you have here with the inclusion of all of the environment. This choice of comp also shows off the breadth of this scene.

Steve Kaluski
05-25-2013, 11:22 AM
Hi Russell, well I am with Marina on this. What I like in your recent posts is that they are a little different, both in terms of content and presentation. This and the last post required lovely light and for me you have it in both. Well seen and executed and your persistence in PP has paid off.

Steve :cheers:

Shreyas Mantri
05-25-2013, 04:51 PM
First - what a sight! Very interesting to see this water hater to go for the crossing from a point that looks deep, and maybe in the middle of a croc-hippo lair.
The inclusion of the environment works great for me; only wish is to have a little more canvas on the bottom side.

Many thanks for sharing!

05-25-2013, 11:44 PM
The light falling on the lion make him stand out in the image and the water trail shows that he is moving. whilst the image itself shows what you wished to say maybe to have the subject bigger might have made this even better.


Brendon Cremer
05-27-2013, 05:02 AM
Lovely image, great light, lovely detail and a terrific sighting, right place right time, very well captured.

05-30-2013, 08:04 AM
I live and guide in the Luangwa and I know what an unusual and special situation this would have been! I think you made the best of a difficult situation, and I actually think that the minuteness of the lion in the vastness of the river is compelling. How often do you see the apex predator with the fear in his eyes? I bet he was swimming for his life! Lions here cross the river almost daily but it's done with care (to check the crossing point for danger) and then with as much speed as they can manage.
Great image - love it.

Morkel Erasmus
06-03-2013, 09:04 AM
This works well for all the reasons mentioned above, Russel! That's quite a swim the lad took on!!
Great use of ligth and environment to tell the story.

Gabriela Plesea
06-10-2013, 02:56 PM
Russell-congratulations on this capture, such an interesting, memorable sighting! I love the fact that you included the environment, it helps tell the story! I am so used to the lions of the desert, I could hardly imagine a lion swim...

Warm regards,