View Full Version : Carolina wren

John Goldman
05-21-2013, 07:26 PM
Little bird, big voice!
5DmkIII, ss 1/800, f6.3, ISO 800, 300mm+1.4TC, tripod, Nik Color Efex Pro, PS Elements10, NR, crop for composition.
Some distractions cloned out, beak cleaned up somewhat. Vignetted.

Jeannean Ryman
05-21-2013, 08:45 PM
Lovely little bird. I like watching them flit around when I can. There are two things that immediately caught my eye. First is the centered composition. I would prefer more room on the right and less on the left, and the second is the posterization in the background, especially in the left lower corner. That might be due to over-saturation. I would desaturate the greens a bit. I like the look you got with the bird, and they eye looks really nice. Not always an easy thing with birds. Nicely done.

Clyde Hopper
05-21-2013, 09:20 PM
Good advise given above ,the sharpness of the focus on the head is superb !

John Chardine
05-22-2013, 04:19 AM
Hi John- Nice and sharp where it needs to be. I like the look of the bird against the dark BG. To add to the good comments above, I would suggest evening out the lighting on the bird by brightening the back-end of the body. This may entail having to mask out the BG so that you just affect the bird.

Kerry Perkins
05-22-2013, 01:37 PM
Hi John, nice capture - good details, color, and pose. I do not mind the crop as is, the squarish aspect, the diagonal of the branch, and the direct eye contact make this composition work for my eye. I tried opening this file in Elements and making a level adjustment. Try moving the middle slider over to the left, to about 1.25, and see what you think. It really makes the image shine IMO. The banding (posterization) is often caused by noise reduction, so you might want to revisit that step. Good job!