View Full Version : Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Michael Wayne
05-17-2013, 11:19 AM
I think I got this one right on the identity, (if not, where is Daniel? LOL)

I love this time of year, it brings out so many colorful birds.

This male has been hanging around the last few days and I finally was able to capture him off the feeder, now just got to catch the female. ;)

ISO 1600

Karl Egressy
05-17-2013, 12:53 PM
Nice background and eye contact.

Daniel Cadieux
05-17-2013, 02:07 PM
This is a Black-headed Rose-bird:bg3:. Nice comp, perch, BG. A little "cool"...perhaps warming up the white balance would be good here, and some fill-flash would have made the rose "pop". Still a fine image, good job setting up to get him near your feeder...

Cheryl Arena Molennor
05-17-2013, 05:53 PM
You did well getting a nice pose with a diagonal perch. Although the eye looks nice and sharp for some reason the bill looks soft to me and I wonder if it is a dof thing? You did not list the aperture so I'm not sure.

Marina Scarr
05-17-2013, 08:41 PM
Very pleasing image, Michael. You framed your bird very nicely. I love his pose the way he is leaning forward. A cleaner perch would have lent itself to an even better image.

Diane Miller
05-17-2013, 10:11 PM
Nice catch! I would have given it more room on the right, and less on the left.

A Curves adjustment layer in PS, masked to the darker areas, could provide some nice fill flash.

Grace Scalzo
05-17-2013, 10:43 PM
Great subject and background. As far as composition, the image feels unbalanced to me with all that room on the right. I think that the blue in the eye could be removed.

Satish Ranadive
05-19-2013, 12:36 AM
Beautiful image ,nice colors,perch and composition.
Seeing this bird for the first time. TFS.


Michael Wayne
05-19-2013, 08:07 AM
Thank you everyone for the C+C!

Sorry it has taken so long to reply been fighting a cold.

I appreciate all the suggestions and will try to do what you all suggested in the next one. I agree, the perch is not the best, but I took what he would give me, I wanted to make sure to at least capture him and hopefully at some point get him on a better perch. LOL As far as the free space, just trying to do the 1/3 rule/thing, will get it right one day, hopefully! LOL

@ Satish...

Thank you, I am always glad when someone tells me, it is their first time seeing a bird or subject, I always tell people...I am not the best photographer, I have no claim to fame and do not want it. I just hope I can bring/make a decent image so that, someone may see something, that they may not have seen, or will not see, in real life. ;) I really enjoy doing it, but always glad when someone else finds enjoyment/satisfaction in some way, small or big!

Thanx again and have a good one!