View Full Version : Partridge

Michael Wayne
05-14-2013, 02:29 PM
This little cutie has been hanging around our yard, we see her every now and then. When my oldest daughter is outside, you would almost think she was this Partridges mother or mate, she will follow my daughter around the yard. As long as she is out there I can photograph her, but if I go out on my own to shoot she is...gone!

I am jumping over here to Avian to give it a try after doing a couple postings in ETL, I am not sure where I am supposed to be posting for the best C+C, but thought I would give it a try and see what you think.

This was taken early evening a few nights ago, I was laying on the ground to try and keep her calm and stop moving, but she was always moving or trying to grab some corn/seed. I have not seen her for few days, hopefully she is nesting.

Have a good one!

f 5.6
ISO 1600

Robert Holguin
05-15-2013, 03:01 AM
Nice shot.
Great shooting angle and nice comp.
A tad more head turn towards you would have been nice.
Well done.

jack williamson
05-15-2013, 06:33 AM
A great looking bird and a fine story to go with it. The bird sure needed to be looking back toward the camera. Sounds like you might have more opportunities, maybe even with little ones!

Daniel Cadieux
05-15-2013, 08:41 AM
Those are awesome opportunities you have with this female Bobwhite! Good job getting down low, this has helped you get some good separation between the subject and background. Sharp and nicely detailed for web presentation at that slow shutter speed. I would add some canvas back at top if you have it, and desaturate the yellows a bit on the grass. Yes, a better head angle would be better (angled towards us)...gives a better connection to the viewers.

Marina Scarr
05-15-2013, 09:57 AM
Pretty bird against all the green but agree on desaturating the yellows. HA isn't optimal but you already know that. Great low angle. Keep them coming.

Michael Wayne
05-15-2013, 09:59 AM
Nice shot.
Great shooting angle and nice comp.
A tad more head turn towards you would have been nice.
Well done.

Thank you Robert!

She was a mover, all over the place, this was only instant, that she even gave me a remote chance of getting a decent shot. I am not the most mobile person and not trying to make any excuses at all. I apologize if it seems I am but, this was the only chance and shot. No if and or butts, well for me anyway, took what she gave me. LOL She was staring at my daughter, who I tried to get moved into position, but never happened.

She is a beauty and I am always on the lookout for her, the last couple times, she has come out in the bright middle of the day and no way to get a decent shot for keeping/posting.

Of course I tried! LOL

Thanks again!

A great looking bird and a fine story to go with it. The bird sure needed to be looking back toward the camera. Sounds like you might have more opportunities, maybe even with little ones!

Thank you Jack!

Yeah, as I said above, I had to take what she would give me on this occasion, but I will get her, and as you say, hopefully some lil' ones also.

I may have to bait her with my daughter. LOL

Those are awesome opportunities you have with this female Bobwhite! Good job getting down low, this has helped you get some good separation between the subject and background. Sharp and nicely detailed for web presentation at that slow shutter speed. I would add some canvas back at top if you have it, and desaturate the yellows a bit on the grass. Yes, a better head angle would be better (angled towards us)...gives a better connection to the viewers.

Thank you Daniel!

Sooo, that is what she is, a Northern Bobwhite... OK, my bad on the Partridge, thanks for the correction. I tried to find it and Partridge was all I could find that looked similar to her in a way. I maybe should have asked for a ID, before assuming it. I really thought she acted like a quail in a lot of ways, the way she ran and flew. Her size it what threw me off also, she is much bigger than any quail species I have personally seen. Not saying much, only been into birds a couple years. LOL

She is a beauty and I am looking forward to more chances with her and I really appreciate the C+C, from all of you, this why I chose this site, to get some feedback, to help me do better.

Have a good one!

Michael Wayne
05-15-2013, 10:11 AM
Hi Marina!

You must have posted while I was replying to the others...Thank you for the C+C!

I saw it and was back/forth with it, but figured it was natural so I did not try to push it anymore. My reasoning at the time, was it fit in well with her yellowing and it did not make for a "solid" green BG. I was trying to give it a little more color.

Hopefully will have more chances with her, but I was not going let this one slip by, just in case. ;)

Have a good one!