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View Full Version : Posting Guidelines +++

Jay Gould
04-24-2013, 08:16 PM
Hi, I have been away for a long long time; just posted my first image in many moons. Had a chance to peek into a lot of the forums and generally look around. Kinda have a reaction based upon a new set of eyes. Is this the place to discuss my reactions?

One thing I noticed, when I went to upload the image in the Avian Forum, I had expected that the guideline was still:

Posting Guideline: Please submit only one image per post. Image size is to be no larger than 1024 pixels on the horizontal or 800 pixels on the vertical side. File size is not to exceed 250 kb.

However, much to my surprise, when I clicked on Manage My Attachments, all but one format matched the above guideline:

400.0 KB


Is this a boo boo? I in fact uploaded at 1200LE x 800 and the image was 367kb.

Let me just generalize and say that some things seemed a bit "old" - kinda like things haven't been updated in a very long time; I do not want to be more specific unless asked. I left loving BPN; needed to move on for awhile and deal with some serious medical issues. I return feeling as I left - loving BPN and still believing it is the best teaching site hands down - and I do not want to "stir the pot" unless invited to do so.

Marina Scarr
04-25-2013, 12:18 AM
First of all Jay, we are glad to have you back. Please feel free to be more specific about your observations. The BPN staff is always Open to hearing members' opinions and observations.

John Chardine
04-25-2013, 07:22 AM
Welcome back Jay. We missed you!

There has been some discussion to up the image specs for BPN. Perhaps this has been done behind the scenes as a test but has not been formally released yet?

James Shadle
04-25-2013, 08:07 AM
Jay you are on the ball.
I was keeping the change low key (only mentioning it in an image post) to see how it goes. It worked well.
So I'll make it official tonight.

Jay Gould
04-25-2013, 08:42 AM
James: Thanks!

Marina: Hi, I will do this over a few days; I am giving you my reactions to the site as a newbie might see it for the first time. I am leaving the Forums to last as that is actually what prompted this reaction.

Opening Page:

1. Lots of advertisements really detract from the opening page - "gosh, are these guys really into photography or are they simply trying to sell as much product as possible". There is Hunt's, Amazon, B&H, and Borrow Lenses before I even start to scroll. I would prefer a link and separate page to Supporters Links.

2. I must admit that I always start with the Forums; I have never opened page 2 much less the last page of the Announcements. Announcements suggests to me items of current importance/interest. I would be surprised if a new user would take the time to read nine pages of announcements; therefore, I took a look at page nine - curiosity.

Page Nine is a repeat of the BPN Guidelines that already have a separate link without all of the adverts.

Page Eight:
1) Image Posting Guidelines - should either have a separate link or be consolidated with BPN Guidelines under one link.
2) Staff Website Links last published 7/14/2010. The staff has changed a lot in 2 1/2 years; kinda old!
3)The rest of the articles are from 2010. Why?

Page Seven and Six: Old 2010 Articles

Page Five: End of 2011. Only one Article of importance - Membership Has It's Privileges

Page Four: 2011 - Meh!

Page Three: Two important items that almost no one will read because they are buried: A) BPN Guidelines, Benefits and Staff U, and B) Read the Fine Print.Page Two: Starts with August, 2012 - almost a year old

Page One: Opening page commented upon above.

Is it really necessary to save old workshop articles etc?

The new look is great; the content needs to be kept "new" too.

My two cents on the opening page(s).

Jay Gould
04-25-2013, 08:46 AM
Since I have been away, and this is from the Opening Page,

A big congratulations to all of the 2012 Winners, you know who you are and it is well deserved; and special mention to Jeroel Stel for Overall Winner.

Congratulations: Marina Scarr and Arash Hazeghi, Don Lacy, and Cheryl Molennor!!

Jay Gould
04-25-2013, 08:51 AM
I Clicked on E-zine to look at what I thought were the old, hopefully new, magazine articles and I found myself staying on the opening page. What happened to the magazine?

Jumped the Forum and went to Blogs expecting to see some great "Blog Articles". Wrong! It is a series of adverts for workshops; I would have expected all of these adverts to be limited to the Workshops heading.

And, most the adverts are cut and paste, and look rather "poor" with all of the formatting showing. Kinda like "I'll throw it up there quickly in case someone bites; can't be bother to do it properly and remove the formatting."

If I am stepping on anyone's toes - sorry!. That probably will not come as a surprise to the oldies but goodies here on BPN that know me well enough to expect me to say it like I see it.

Jay Gould
04-26-2013, 06:02 PM
186 and not a peep........ no soft or violent disagreements...........hmmmmm

Anyway, the first forum I looked at to post in was the OOTB where I have never previously posted.

Clicking on the first sticky - Weekly Theme: "THEME CONTEST" WINNING IMAGE opens to 2009 and it isn't until you get to the bottom that you finaler find the current crop of winners. I suggest that this be reversed and the latest winner should be on the top! My settings are: Linear: Newest First.

Same suggestion with the third sticky; and, the fourth sticky - Upcoming Biweekly Themes - ended in 2010. It has whiskers!!

Jay Gould
04-26-2013, 06:03 PM
Why am I posting this stuff?

Because I don't think it is very professional to have significantly outdated posts in a headline position on BPN.

And, before someone says I am out of place to return and complain, nothing I am saying is a "complaint"; it is my observation with fresh eyes.

I am well aware that everyone is an unpaid volunteer, and there are only so many hours in the day.

However, that does not change my initial impression upon returning that some stuff is out of date and if I see it that way potential new members may also see it that way and possibly be put off by what they see.

Mike Tracy
04-30-2013, 01:07 PM
Far be it from me to shy away from a healthy discussion,. When I have a come across your posts over the course of the past few years I frequently think you are still a attorney at heart who likes to talk for the sake of it albeit frequently making some worthwhile observations and suggestions in the midst of your diatribe some carrying more credence than others. In this instance I think you have brought to light a number of credible points that should be looked at and changes implemented where necessary to keep this resourceful forum current and relevant while blazing new trails to keep current members excited to be apart of while also giving the impression to casual observers that BPN is the preeminent forum of its type on the web.

Jay Gould
04-30-2013, 02:17 PM
Hi Mike; I think :e3 ...........thank you! :S3:

Mike Tracy
04-30-2013, 03:08 PM
Hi Mike; I think :e3 ...........thank you! :S3:

No ill will intended or implied

Chris Cooke
05-04-2013, 09:05 PM
Hi Jay and welcome back and I hope like me you have recovered from whatever medical condition afflicted you while away. Mine was nearly losing my legs in a crash when a drunk driver driving a stolen car hit the car stopped behind me as we were both stopped at lights. The man behind our Toyota Station Wagon was in a small Toyota Yaris and was very nearly killed, the Titanium rod in my left leg was driven nto ankle and my leaping out of the car to attend to the driver of the Yaris compounded the problem no end.

Well we both survived which is great but my walking mobility is now limited to at best 400 yards but there is a God as I can still ride both my bikes but must use a walking stick to get on and off then.

I see that you were picked as a Lawyer from your importunate phraseology which brings back many memories.

Anyway Jay good to have you back and I hope that the rest of your family is in fine fettle.

I look forward to reading many of your future posts.


Diane Miller
05-04-2013, 11:09 PM
I'll stick my neck out and agree with much of what Jay has said. I'm fairly new here and have been frustrated at the organization of the content. So I mostly just look at the new stuff listed on both sides of the main page. At least I guess it's the main page. It comes up in my browser. Between visits, I miss a lot. Sometimes I'll look at 1-2 of the forums in more detail. Sometimes.

I know it's work, but better organization would be wonderful.

Grady Weed
05-07-2013, 05:01 PM
Jay you rascal, long time no hear from! Still cantankerous as ever I see! Post some images eh.

James Shadle
05-09-2013, 03:52 PM
My toes have been crushed:w3.
It is a matter of time or money, I have neither.

We are trying to figure out how to keep things current. It's tough right now because time is at a premium.

He could hire someone. The only problem is you must pay the hired help. To do that you must monetize the site.
Every effort to monetize the site has been ineffective or opposed by membership.

That is the bottom line. Want to, just difficult right now.

Roy Priest
05-09-2013, 09:01 PM
I think you could make tons of money by charging Artie every time he advertises himself or his products.:bg3:

Chris Cooke
05-09-2013, 10:51 PM
Roy! Don't rubbish the Master, he is a wizard who has the ability to turn unintelligible manuals and instructions on Hardware and Software into his personal guides that my aging brain can make sense of (He taught Primary school after all) and thanks to him, when I sell my cameras with each goes a pristine Manual still in its plastic wrapping. :)

Paul Keeble
05-10-2013, 01:33 AM
3 birds with one stone idea...

Charge $10 dollars to post a pic for critique

Refund $1 for each critique posted in Avian
Refund $2 for each critique posted in the other sections that could do with a bit more footfall.

Posters following the site's ethos lose nothing, but those that don't, help the finances instead.