View Full Version : Purple Moorhen: Pair.

Satish Ranadive
04-24-2013, 12:14 AM
This image was created in Jan, 2013.Cropped for composition, sharpened and NR and slight blur applied to BG.

ISO: 800, 1/1000, F: 5.6.Evaluating metering. Exposure Bias: +0.7. 550D, 400mm.

Thanks for viewing and appreciation. C & C are highly appreciated.
Kind Regards.

04-24-2013, 03:40 AM
Certainly different colored to what our Purple Swamp Hens are, stunning colors Satish, both caught nicely side on and smooth backdrop as well....I think maybe a bit more sharpening on the heads of the birds may improve a little

Randy Stout
04-24-2013, 08:58 AM

Very colorful birds, nice to get a pair.

Probably not enough DOF for two birds at this f/stop. I tend to go to f/11 at least when trying for this type of shot, and often that isn't enough, depending on lens used and distance to subject.

I like the similar poses, wish the heads were a bit more our way.



Marina Scarr
04-24-2013, 05:51 PM
It's nice to see the 2 birds in the frame together. While the back bird is a bit OOF, it still works and does add to the image to see the pair. I might consider cropping in a little tighter as an option...some down from the top and right.

David Salem
04-25-2013, 03:15 AM
Beautiful colors on these guys. Techs look good as dose the detail on the closest bird. I think that the back one would be soft at any f stop, so it is what it is, which is a nice capture.