View Full Version : Sandy Eyes

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
04-20-2013, 09:25 AM

Greetings. This is an old one. One of my first interests in digital photography was multi-shot panos. This image combines 6 photos to capture the spreading footprints on the sand, maybe a day after a rain flattened the sand. By treating the image of my daughter's eyes as height data, I used some software I developed to give a three-dimensional appearance and blended into the sand. Thanks for looking.



Indranil Sircar
04-20-2013, 11:30 AM
Excellent creative and OOTB composition, Michael! Love the perspective and great combination of techniques to create this. If you hadn't mentioned, I would have thought of this as a sand sculpture! I like the hint of water on the top edge... I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more of that. Outstanding processing!

Dennis Bishop
04-20-2013, 12:19 PM
Creative for sure! Great job in placing the eyes relative to the footprints and the gate. I'm absolutely intrigued by your comment about using the image of your daughter's eyes as height data and about the software you developed.

Kerry Perkins
04-20-2013, 01:34 PM
Hi Michael, very creative thinking and execution. What a great idea to create a "bump map" from your daughter's eyes! When I first looked at the image my brain tried to make a bird's wings out of that, but then I realized what I was looking at and that it was looking at me too. :c3: I like the crop too, with just a hint of water at the top.

Anita Bower
04-20-2013, 04:45 PM
Very creative. It looks like the eyes were actually drawn in the sand. I like the pano. Excellent work.

Nancy Bell
04-22-2013, 12:10 PM
Very creative and intriguing. I had to read your narrative to figure out exactly have you achieved this. The lower fence and upper blue create a very nice, natural frame that fits so well with the pano approach.

Cheryl Slechta
04-22-2013, 05:14 PM
Michael, this is super creative! I love the idea of the eyes with all the footprints radiating from them, the fence on the bottom to contain the sand and the hint of ocean for context. Nicely done:S3:

Michael Gerald-Yamasaki
04-24-2013, 01:33 PM
Indranil, Dennis, Kerry, Anita, Nancy, Cheryl,

Thanks much for the comments. They are much appreciated. Thought you might be interested in seeing the rendering of my daughter's portrait as height data (and applying a terrain mapping technique known as hill-shading, using the color value (similar to brightness) as the height). Recent work in my day job has me developing this and other visualization techniques as a PS plugin.


For the OP I used a crop of just her left eye and flipped it.



Dennis Bishop
04-24-2013, 05:24 PM
Thanks for sharing that with us. I hope to be able to find out more about this someday.