View Full Version : Crested Hawk Eagle

Dr Eash Hoskote
04-15-2013, 12:59 PM
This image was captured right below this beautiful raptor early on a foggy morning.The main focus was on his eye & i could get some decent frames considering the light & the fog.This is my first image in Avian section & second in BNP.
Hope U folks like it & thanks for all the C & C.:S3:

Nikon D600
Nikor 500 mm, f/4
Bean bag.

Av mode,Ev -0.3,
ISO 5000
28/03/13.6:50 AM.

04-15-2013, 02:22 PM
welcome to BPN Dr. Eash,

very cool looking bird. the main issue here is the very steep angle plus the clipped tail.

TFS, looking forward to more

04-15-2013, 04:56 PM
Handsome looking bird, liking his crest and glimpse of the talons, but agree with Arash that the angle is a bit too steep, it looks like you were standing almost directly under the bird. Love to see an image of this birds from further away

Sachin Saraf
04-15-2013, 04:58 PM
Welcome to BPN...that is magnificent bird...but as stated by Arash the steep angle and clipped tail are main issue with this image...looking forward to see more from your area.

Dr Eash Hoskote
04-15-2013, 09:45 PM
Thank u guys!!!!
I agree about the steep angle & the clipped tail. Here, in a safari ride we are accompanied with 2-4 vehicles one behind the other. So once u get a position to shoot, its difficult to change.And by the time we change, the subject will fly away. Sorry for that!!!!

prasanna av
04-15-2013, 11:17 PM
A very good beginning!!!

adrian dancy
04-15-2013, 11:22 PM
I think you may have gained more with a tad extra exposure. The bird is tight in the frame and the tail is clipped but I accept you were stuck with where the driver put you.. Also given your exposure you may have been able to close down your aperture to get more depth of field. It is a pitty the light was in the wrong position albeit it worked for the head turn.

As a general rule, images made at the bird's eye level are often the most pleasing. However, in my view, this can be limiting and can lead to a rather stale portfolio. Not only will pictures made by yourself have an element of 'sameness' they will be the same as everybody elses. In my view it is advisable to work your subject and vary the aspect in selected cases. An eagle, and particularly this one, is a majestic creature and shooting at a steep angle serves to emphasise that majesty...you just need the other elements of light, foreground and background to be right also.

I have never done safari type work but if I did I would insist that the driver of a vehicle understands the needs of photographers.

Hope this helps. I look forward to seeing more of your images.

Satish Ranadive
04-16-2013, 01:44 AM
Welcome to BPN, Eash. Magnificent bird with nice crest and his great stare.I like the raised foot with clinched claws,nice colors and details.
Rest is already mentioned above.
