View Full Version : Clivia miniata

Norm Dulak
04-10-2013, 06:38 AM
Canon PowerShot S90
ISO 500; f/8, 1/125 sec
PP: PS CS6 levels, curves, slight crop and sharpen.

The natural light in the conservatory was good during a recent visit to Longwood Gardens, when this clivia caught my eye.


Jerry van Dijk
04-11-2013, 01:43 PM
Hi Norm, I can see why these flowers caught your eye! With this light, they look as if they are on fire. I like how your square crop compliments the circular arrangement of flowers.

Jonathan Ashton
04-12-2013, 08:29 AM
Nicely exposed and framed,though I would just check out the brightest elements and consider lowering the brightness - it may not be necessary but I would suggest have a look see. Then I would apply a little more selective sharpening to the flowers, I think then it would be lovely bright colours with a tad more detail.

Norm Dulak
04-12-2013, 05:13 PM
Thanks for the comments and suggestions!

Steve Maxson
04-13-2013, 03:37 PM
Hi Norm. Wow - those colors really grab your attention! I like the even light and the tight square comp works well. Lots of DOF, too - though you might consider Jon's suggestion of some additional selective sharpening - particularly on the two front-most flowers just left and right of center. This would be a minor tweak to a striking image!