View Full Version : Willet at last light

Lorant Voros
04-01-2013, 10:00 AM
I had a good time this weekend running away from the crowed of people into the mangrove to walk and lay in the mud photographing birds. I will share some photos in the coming days. This was taken yesterday with the sun setting behind me. I crawled close to a group of birds through the water in a laguna in Yucatan, Mexico than set down, supported the camera on my knees and got some images with the last light of the day. Comments are welcome.



Diane Miller
04-01-2013, 01:40 PM
I really like the bird and the water, and the nice low angle, but the saturation in the BG competes too much, for me. Not too difficult to fix.

Marina Scarr
04-01-2013, 07:26 PM
Terrific low angle and head turn. Bird is a little centered for my taste and would consider moving him a tad to the right of the frame. Agree on the BG being a tad overpowering, but that's also personal taste. I think your bird could use a little more sharpening.

Tom Rambaut
04-02-2013, 04:25 AM
Nice low angle, calling pose and head turn. May go for some selective sharpening on the head. Agree with moving a tad right if have the space.

Stu Bowie
04-02-2013, 11:52 AM
Hi Lorant, running away from the crowds is good, lying in the mud.... hmmmm... not so good :w3 Great low angle here, and with a good HA and open bill. Good feather detail, but some selective sharpening should bring it up even more. Im fine with the BG, I would just tone it down a touch.

Frank Schauf
04-04-2013, 02:11 AM
Great picture, nice deep shooting position in front of a perfect background.