View Full Version : Hello!

Michael Todd
03-06-2013, 08:23 PM
Hello everyone! Just joined and have been browsing around and I must say, there is a tremendous amount of talent and knowledge here. The photos are just spectacular. Im wondering if I have what it takes to post some of my images here, lol.

I live in Hannibal, Missouri very close to the Mississippi river so I have a lot of opportunities for wildlife shots. We have quite a few wildlife areas near here which harbour deer, waterfowl, eagles, etc. Also, the lock and dams attract eagles, gulls, and pelicans feeding on the shad which come through the low head dams.

I shoot with a Canon 7D and my biggest piece of glass at the moment is the 400 f/5.6 L. I have been photographing for a couple of years off and on and have decided to get more serious about the quality of my shots.

kim wormald
03-07-2013, 12:44 AM
Hi Michael, that sounds like a great place to live - I look forward to seeing your images :)

Marina Scarr
03-07-2013, 09:14 AM
Welcome to BPN, Mike. The quicker you start commenting on other images and posting your own, the quicker you are going to learn more. You can always start posting in the Eager to Learn (ETL) forum. Looking forward to seeing some of your images!

Daniel Cadieux
03-07-2013, 03:54 PM
Hi Michael...welcome to BPN!! You've certainly joined the best site on the web to get you going with your hobby :-)

03-07-2013, 07:04 PM
Look forward to seeing some images from your part of the world Michael, hope you find the forum is good for you, a great place to learn and share

Michael Todd
03-07-2013, 07:08 PM
Thanks Kim, Australia sounds like it would be a photographers dream. Marina, thanks for the encouragement! I will be posting soon, but commenting, I hardly feel qualified...lol. Thanks Daniel for the warm welcome! BPN seems to be overflowing with good advice and knowledge.

Christopher Miller
03-07-2013, 09:19 PM
Welcome to BPN, Michael!

Kerry Perkins
03-09-2013, 06:06 PM
Hi Michael - big welcome to BPN! Just want to mention that commenting is not about qualifications - it's about telling people what you think about their images. You may not be able to offer advice at first, but you can certainly say what you like or don't like about an image and that is all we ask. Look forward to seeing your images and your comments. :c3:

Cheryl Arena Molennor
03-19-2013, 06:22 AM
Hi Michael and welcome to BPN! I would like to encourage you to post and be open minded to comments and critiques. I found myself that when I was able to put my ego away listen to what others suggested I was able to learn so much and I truely have. I also found that by viewing other images and giving my own critique , my own vision has improved and I am now more aware of things I may have over looked in my own images. Sounds like you are shooting with some great gear and I look forward to seeing what you have to offer.