View Full Version : Sora

Emil Martinec
01-05-2008, 06:05 PM

1D3 + 500/4 + 1.4x + 1.4x, 1/200sec, f5.6, ISO 400, Av +1/3, monopod, full frame

My favorite rail. There are four or so at the north end of Green Cay Wetlands in FL, and with enough focal length one can get a tolerable angle given the rather high boardwalk. I cleaned up some detritus on the duckweed in the background. I'm trying to decide of the colors are a bit too warm.

Linda Robbins
01-05-2008, 06:19 PM
Hi Emil -

I can understand why this is your favorite rail, they have such beautiful plumage. Very nice head angle and and pose. The light angle is a bit off, but you probably couldn't get the sun at your back photographing from the boardwalk and the light is fairly soft. I think a little more room on top and less on the bottom would improve the composition. You did well getting this image this sharp, especially with two 1.4s and using a monopod. I feel that the colors are a bit warm, which would be easy to change. I have yet to photograph this bird. I'll have to get to Green Cay Wetlands and try for some nice images like this.


Linda Robbins

Axel Hildebrandt
01-05-2008, 06:21 PM
Great pose and setting, Emil. I guess other than lying on the boardwalk there was not much you could have done to get lower. :) I only wish for a bit more head turn toward you so that the part between eye and bill would be sunlit, too. I'd love to see this species someday.

Arthur Morris
01-05-2008, 06:37 PM
I'd crop a bit more off the bottom, getting rid of the two leaves on the surface. The little whatever he is standing on is superb. Alex hit the nail on the head; with the sun from a bit beind the bird it was imperative to get the bird to turn its head towards you. After you make one image, try a gentle squeak to get the bird to look at you... If it were me, I would have squeaked before I made even one image. My philosophy is to always go for the perfect image... Even if the bird flushes and I get nothing...

later and love, artie

Sid Garige
01-05-2008, 06:38 PM
Considering the narrow boardwalk conditions, you did very well. Very nice Image. Agree with Arties suggestions on head turn.

Peter Hawrylyshyn
01-05-2008, 09:50 PM
glad to hear the sora's are still there
given the board walk - a great effort/photo

quick suggestion would be to darken/sharpen bill using a mask with curves and to sharpen the eye as shown below

Glenn Bartley
01-05-2008, 11:29 PM
Excellent image. I love the colors in the pond.

01-06-2008, 01:15 PM
Nice shot! Like the comp and the green background.