View Full Version : Another calm water day

Diane Miller
02-15-2013, 11:35 PM
Shot this gull yesterday on Bodega Bay (up the coast from San Francisco).

5D Mk III, 600mm "II" + 1.4X "II" (will get the III soon). ISO 1600, f/13, 1/640. Very slight crop to center the bird. Basic LR adjustments and a slight amount of Nik Detail Extractor masked to the bird.

Mid-day light is too blue -- I should warm it up a little.

ID on the gull also appreciated -- thanks!

Stu Bowie
02-16-2013, 03:15 AM
Hi Diane, good swimming pose with the slightly raised tail, and well exposed. Good to see the circular ripples, and as the reflection is not clear, I would crop up from the bottom. I would also try and lighten the eye a touch, to show it up more.

Cant help with the ID. :w3

Randy Stout
02-16-2013, 06:28 AM

Good points from Stuart, and I agree with your assessment about the blue light.

Shooting angle a bit steep, understandable if trying for a nice reflection. Normally I would agree about the crop from below because of the weak reflection, but the more that comes off the bottom, the apparently more steep the shooting angle. I would try some versions to see what gives you the best balance. Not everyone seems to be affected by this issue on apparent shooting angle, but I am.



Satish Ranadive
02-16-2013, 08:18 AM
Beautiful image very nicely exposed.I like the colors,nice water rings around the bird and lights.
To me it looks like"Yellow-legged Gull".


Diane Miller
02-16-2013, 11:28 AM
No way to get down to water level in this area without risking "life and lens." But, as pointed out, the higher angle does allow reflections, and that worked well with the calm water this day.

I don't think any reflection is going to be "sharp" but some are artistically interesting. This one certainly isn't spectacular, but good enough that I wouldn't crop it. The fact that it comes to an end before the bottom of the frame is a plus. I like to contain subjects inside clean borders if possible.

I did increase contrast on the non-shaded portion of the eye somewhat, but didn't want to change the accuracy. I could lighten the shadow area a little more, though.

Thanks for the comments! My bird-shooting is a work-in-progress.

Matthew Studebaker
02-16-2013, 11:49 AM
simple but beautiful.

Dennis Zaebst
02-16-2013, 06:41 PM
Very sharp and good color, compostion, and light. I like the contrast of the white bird against the soft blue water, and the soft ripples & wavelets. Nicely done Diane.

02-16-2013, 07:01 PM
Not sure I understand the talk of blues ? Loving the satin texture of the water Dianne and it emphasizes the ripples nicely, the water also look clear as i can see his/her little legs < I like that.

Sorry no help on the ID...over here we just call 'em " Chip Rustlers " < Fries Bandits :bg3:

Shawn Zierman
02-17-2013, 07:40 AM
I really like the water movement in this image. The gull looks nice...lower angled light would
have really improved the image. I'll put a vote in for Mew Gull for the ID.

Diane Miller
02-17-2013, 03:14 PM
Thanks, everyone! A local birder has just ID'd it as a Mew Gull, due to the small bill with no colored spots on it. He says they're winter residents here, heading north soon.