View Full Version : Peregrine Falcon Preening on Beach

Loi Nguyen
02-14-2013, 04:53 PM
I have posted a couple of photos of this peregrine falcon preening on a beach on the Eager to Learn forum and received many good suggestions. David Salem suggested that I should post a photo here to get comments from folks on the Avian forum. Instead of re-posting, I chose a new image from that collection. Appreciate your comemnts.

500F4 II + 2X III
Evaluative metering, + 2/3 EV to compensate for the bright BG

Almost (~99%) full frame image. I only cropped a wee bit at the bottom.
Removed a couple of distracting branches in PS Element 11
Added contrast, sharpened, and applied NR in LR4

I wish I had selected the top central focus and nailed the focus on the bird eye. There is also a bit of noise in the dark feathers.

But overall I like the image and more importantly my wife likes it too.

Thank you


shane shacaluga
02-14-2013, 05:39 PM
Peregrines are amazing creatures :eek3:

Great shot and really like the pose. Its like if the bird is mentally replaying how he slams into pigeons from the skies!

Like the level of detail with the 2x convertor as well. Did the AF work or did you manually focus?

Loi Nguyen
02-14-2013, 05:46 PM
Peregrines are amazing creatures :eek3:

Great shot and really like the pose. Its like if the bird is mentally replaying how he slams into pigeons from the skies!

Like the level of detail with the 2x convertor as well. Did the AF work or did you manually focus?

Shane, Thank you for your comments. AF worked great with the central sensor. I was thinking I should be able to get the head in focus with F11 even if the focus poitn does not fall on the bird head, but I was wrong. at 1000-mm, the DOF is just too shallow at a distance of about 25 yards. I was lying on the beach myself while taking the shots.

Karl Egressy
02-14-2013, 05:50 PM
Nice shot, Loi. It looks like he is chacking his claws with satisfaction.

gail bisson
02-14-2013, 06:59 PM
Hi Loi,
What a wonderful opportunity to get a shot of this beautiful raptor at near eye level.
I like the pose very much and the IQ is good.I like the feather in the toe.
A couple of suggestions-
1. I would crop image from the left to get rid of the vertical branch (to the e in your last name). Might make it a bit tight but I would prefer that to the big branch.
2. I see some ?artifacts (dark smudges) below the main branch on the right side and just at the fork of the branch on the left side. I would smooth those areas away.
3. I would take a bit off the top and the bottom. Might even be tempted to clone out the brown vegetation at the bottom.
A keeper for sure and well done,

Loi Nguyen
02-14-2013, 11:17 PM
Hi Loi,
What a wonderful opportunity to get a shot of this beautiful raptor at near eye level.
I like the pose very much and the IQ is good.I like the feather in the toe.
A couple of suggestions-
1. I would crop image from the left to get rid of the vertical branch (to the e in your last name). Might make it a bit tight but I would prefer that to the big branch.
2. I see some ?artifacts (dark smudges) below the main branch on the right side and just at the fork of the branch on the left side. I would smooth those areas away.
3. I would take a bit off the top and the bottom. Might even be tempted to clone out the brown vegetation at the bottom.
A keeper for sure and well done,

hi Gail, thank you for your comments. I will clean up the black smudges. Funny, when I was tearing at the picture I didn't see them as smudges, but now I do. I prefer to keep the bottom as it is actually the beach and shows the relative position of the falcon. Otherwise, one has no idea whether the branch is barely off the ground or 20-ft height. This might not be the best choice, but it reminds me how I saw the bird. I should go back and see if I can see him again. This time I will sure know how to get sharper image!

Satish Ranadive
02-15-2013, 06:43 AM
Beautiful image of peregrine.Love the pose,probably checking sharpness of claws,which looks great,nice colors and BG.
Rest is mentioned by Gail.Great advice.


Uri First
02-15-2013, 09:52 AM
beautiful bird in a cool behavioural shot

Leandro Herrainz
02-15-2013, 10:04 AM
Great bird and shoot, love the pose, ligth and sharpness!

David Salem
02-15-2013, 11:55 AM
Hi Loi, Looks great . I like the scratching pose but I like the other pose better. As for the rest, as I mentioned before, It is very nice. Gail has some good suggestions and I think I would remove the branch on the left and the land on the bottom. Nice work.