View Full Version : Last One for a Week, I Promise

Paul Lagasi
02-11-2013, 10:32 PM
I have been working so much overtime lately, that I barely remember what my Wife and home look like. Its been none stop for those of us who haven't gotten the flu or cold thats going around. I have done more overtime than the last two years combined, since Christmas.

Now many of you are saying whats that got to do with the title, no more I promise.

I sit (alone) in a room for 12 hours at a time, with 7 computers, 14 monitors, panels and controls for the various machinery, oh yes almost forgot 4 phones. I work evenings, midnights, 16 days on, including weekends, then 12 weeks off. Believe me the 12 days goes by twice as fast as the 16.

Well if the phones don't ring, and the computers don't beep.......it gets pretty boring. Thereby letting me, spend an incredible amount of time working on images.

Oh, by the way did I mention I can't leave this room, it is monitored 24/7, unless I am replaced.

I have processed enough images lately that I could post an image every day for a year, lololol, thanks god for CS5 it keeps me sane.
The one below is a composite of all my Grebe images, I left just enough color in each. They have been processed using Nik Software and CS5. I purposely made them darker on the left and getting lighter as you go right.

Thank You for listening to the ravings of a prisoner to work, Only 11 months to go...See you all in 10 days.

Nancy Bell
02-11-2013, 11:35 PM
Work can be a good news/bad news kind of thing. Good news is the pay check. Bad news can be in the details of the job. How do you stay awake?? Sounds like your retirement is only 11 months away. In the meantime, you do get a lot of processing time for your images. I like your grebe composite. The bits of color pull it together nicely. I like how the Western Grebe in the bottom right stops your eye and sends you back into the image.

Enjoy your trip!

Kerry Perkins
02-12-2013, 11:00 PM
Hi Paul, hang in there - I feel your pain. Getting ready to retire and have back surgery! I love the grebes, one of those favorite species for me. Your collection is impressive and each image is very nicely done. I especially like the western grebe (I think) in the lower right corner, looking the other way. :c3:

gary ellwein
02-13-2013, 01:25 AM
An impressive collection Paul. I also like the Western Grebe placed in the RL corner. The red eyes catch your attention. Well done.

Cheryl Slechta
02-14-2013, 10:27 AM
Paul, it sounds like an amazing amount of machinery to monitor but I'm glad you've got time to work on images. This one is superb! I love the images themselves, the layout, the border and the touches of color in the high key look. Great work:S3: Sounds like you need a well-deserved break!!

Anita Bower
02-16-2013, 01:13 PM
A nicely put together collection of Grebe images. Creative. I agree with the above comments.
Your job sounds tough--I know I could not do it.

Mitch Carucci
02-18-2013, 04:13 PM
I really like the way you laid this image out. Simple, balanced and great pics. Wonderful B&W with just the right color touches!

(I know we are all curious as to what you do, but I am not going to be the one to ask...)