View Full Version : First Post: Eagle in snow squall

John Baiamonte
02-06-2013, 08:59 PM

Canon 1D MKIV
f 4.0 500mm
ISO 1250
F 4.0
SS 1/1250
Hand Held. Very slight Crop
Minor adjustments in Lightroom 4
NR with DFine 2.0

Comments and critiques always appreciated,

Randy Stout
02-06-2013, 09:30 PM

A big welcome to BPN!

Good looking eagle, like the dangling talons, clean view of head, snow in the air.

The building behind is somewhat distracting. It can be softened some with further post work. It would be nice if the birds left wing wasn't on edge to us, so we could see some more detail in it.

You should be able to tease some more details out of the brown feathers with a bit more shadow recovery in LR.

The bird could stand a bit more sharpening, esp. the talons.

Look forward to more.



John Baiamonte
02-06-2013, 09:48 PM
Thank You Randy, I will look to see if I can pull out some more detail in the feathers and soften the building...I appreciate the comments as I am always looking to improve my photography.

Marina Scarr
02-06-2013, 11:02 PM
well it's always nice to see a new poster. Welcome to BPN. Nice looking eagle, and I like the dangling pose and the snowflakes make for a nice scene. Agree with Randy on the building and for more sharpening.

Looking forward to more!

gail bisson
02-07-2013, 07:03 AM
This is weird. I click on the post but there is no first post. I just see Randy's response as the first post?...

Grace Scalzo
02-07-2013, 08:30 AM
Yeah, what happened? Was looking forward to this image and a new BPN poster!

Randy Stout
02-07-2013, 11:08 AM
Interesting issue here. Marina and I can see his post because we are mods, but when I logged out and came back as a visitor, I couldn't see it either! It was originally a moderated post, since his first, and I approved it, before I made any comments. I will add his photo , plus his tech details, until I can figure out the problem.


Canon 1D MKIV
f 4.0 500mm
ISO 1250
F 4.0
SS 1/1250
Hand Held. Very slight Crop
Minor adjustments in Lightroom 4
NR with DFine 2.0

Comments and critiques always appreciated,

Grace Scalzo
02-07-2013, 11:30 AM
Hi John, What a nice introductory post! Lots to like here, the dangling feet, snow, and excellent background on the right side of the frame. The building is problematic for me as it detracts from the natural feel of the scene. I've learned throughout the years that backgrounds are just as important as our subjects, so try and position yourself so that there are no distracting elements. (Easier to say than to do). Thanks for sharing this one, do post some more.