View Full Version : Black shouldered Kite

Richard Unsworth
12-13-2012, 09:30 AM
Been seeing my friend around again lately; this morning was driving the track to the main road here and caught site of him on the t/pole again

Unable to approach on foot/vehicle did the best I could and found the result quite plaesing. Sun directly behind, which was nice.

noise reduction to BG and slight s&h, then resize and sharped.
7D 100-400 F7.1 ISO 400 1/400 HH

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12-13-2012, 03:18 PM
Interesting habitat shot, we have a few here that use telegraph poles as look outs as well...nice to think at least some man made intrusions in the world assist creatures and not hinder them

Caught the eye well, a shame the sky was not nicer though

Richard Unsworth
12-13-2012, 03:35 PM
Hi Phil

thanks once again for your comment much appreciated.

Yes indeed these are really keen on the t/poles as many raptors are.
These have incredible eyesightm as do all raptors, and any movement towards them will see an immediate departure

was really early in the day with sun rising behind into another clear sky!

hes in this quarter of territory just now, tomorrow will definitrly bring another opportunity