View Full Version : Yellow Finch

Hazel Grant
12-08-2012, 04:57 PM
Found this little one in our back yard this summer. Still trying to learn about avian....opinions re sharpness and exposure? 300mm, 1/1000 sec, f5.6, iso 1600

Randy Stout
12-08-2012, 05:38 PM

I like the color combination of the yellow on green.

The noise has hurt the image detail, and it is particularly visible in the darker tones of the BG. The sharpest focus seems to be on the feet, while the head is softer.

What camera did you use, and what type of post processing?



Sidharth Kodikal
12-08-2012, 06:07 PM
Nice colors indeed, Hazel, that's a great background for your bird.
I feel like the bird is overall too bright and would reduce the brightness, especially on the right side.
Side lighting can be tricky and when possible, it's best to get the sun behind you to get even lighting on your subject.
Did you happen to shoot this through a window?

gail bisson
12-08-2012, 06:09 PM
Hi Hazel,
Nice to see you in Avian. Pretty , inquisitive pose from this American Goldfinch.
Randy has addressed the main issues which are noise and softness.
The image is overexposed as well as the birds' left shoulder is blown out.
Was this shot through a glass window? How big of a crop?

Hazel Grant
12-08-2012, 10:27 PM
Thanks for your critiques. It may have been through a window. I don't remember. I was doing both last summer. PP in photoshop.
Used a Nikon D40x. I have a D7000 now and so will try to do better. I see what you mean about the feet vs the head. Thanks again. Ill keep your comments in mind and work on better future shots.