View Full Version : Horned Lark

Raymond Lee
11-17-2012, 04:59 PM
This past spring, I drove around the areas south of Beaverhill Lake, which is located east of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and spotted this one and only Horned Lark perching on a fence post next to the road. Previous years, they were everywhere due to more snow accumulated, and they would feed next to the road, but last winter, we hardly got snow. Anyway, I actually drove past this bird, and good thing I reversed back and photographed it through my car window. I was surprised that it didn't fly away immediately like I typically encounter in previous years. Because I was sitting in the car, composing the shot was limited, and simultaneously I tried to not flush it off.


Canon EOS 7D | Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS + Kenko 1.4x Teleplus PRO 300 DGX + Canon Extender EF 1.4x II
Manual mode, 1/1000 sec., f/7.1, ISO 640.

All C&Cs are welcome!


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11-17-2012, 05:15 PM
nice little fellow. good details, I only wish the light was less harsh and you had a natural perch :)


Nancy Bell
11-17-2012, 05:26 PM
I like that you can see a bit of the "horns". I am fine with the perch as it is weathered wood. Now I would think differently if it was a metal post. Lovely bkgd.

Nick Palmieri
11-17-2012, 08:02 PM
Nice pose and nice detail in the bird. Wish the light was a little less harsh.

Stu Bowie
11-18-2012, 12:39 AM
Hi Raymond, car's are excellent 'hides' to shoot from, and glad you managed your shot here. Lovely pose and colours on this guy, and you have a killer BG. Comp wise, I would maybe take a bit off the bottom.