View Full Version : Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

Alan Murphy
10-20-2012, 06:40 PM
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

Upper Texas Coast

D800, 600, ISO 400, f13, 1/500.

Perch set up over fence line using the techniques in my eBook.

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gail bisson
10-20-2012, 07:48 PM
The comp is excellent. It can be so hard to get a nice composition with a long tailed bird.
The set-up is beautiful.
Great BG and HA and I like the view of the foot and toes.
I might burn the bright spots in the leaves but that is a minor issue,

Miguel Palaviccini
10-20-2012, 08:05 PM
Stunning! Curious why you shot at f/13. I've never thought of shooting with that small of an aperture. Maybe it's because you were close and wanted enough depth of field? Would f/8 not have been enough? Just curious as that is one of those decisions that I'm just not positive about when I set my aperture.

Robert Holguin
10-20-2012, 08:05 PM
Wonderful shot.
Excellent pose, love the perch and background, terrific comp, and nice details.
Very well done.

Alan Murphy
10-20-2012, 08:33 PM
Stunning! Curious why you shot at f/13. I've never thought of shooting with that small of an aperture. Maybe it's because you were close and wanted enough depth of field? Would f/8 not have been enough? Just curious as that is one of those decisions that I'm just not positive about when I set my aperture.

Hey Miguel, good question. Since the birds tail is on this side of the perch, I wanted to make sure it was in focus.

Cheryl Flory
10-20-2012, 09:18 PM
Alan, why did you go with a very horizontal perch instead of having some angle to it? Do these birds prefer horizontal? Since you placed it above a fence line, I was wondering.

Satish Ranadive
10-20-2012, 10:07 PM
Absolutely superb image.Great Composition and IQ.Love the pose,colors,details,lovely perch and nice backdrop.


10-21-2012, 01:39 AM
sweet excellent light perch pose details and techs as usual.

Alan Murphy
10-21-2012, 07:46 AM
Alan, why did you go with a very horizontal perch instead of having some angle to it? Do these birds prefer horizontal? Since you placed it above a fence line, I was wondering.

Hey Cheryl, I was trying to mimic the horizontal wire that they were landing on. To angle it, would have lowered my chances of the bird landing on it.

Miguel Palaviccini
10-21-2012, 08:05 AM
Thanks for the replies Alan!

Cheryl Flory
10-21-2012, 08:05 AM
thanks, Alan. That's what I was guessing, but thought I would ask.

Jon Rista
10-21-2012, 11:16 AM
Wow, I love that perch! Wonderful composition, especially for a bird with such a long tail. Love the BG.

Grace Scalzo
10-22-2012, 12:57 PM
Alan, one of our mutual friends :w3 offered the same criticism of this image as you received for your perch placement here. Same reason as you...the birds were used to perching on either a telephone wire or barbed wire and would have nothing to do with angles. I love your composition, perfect for this long-tailed beauty. And the horizontal perch works.


Frank Schauf
10-23-2012, 09:27 AM
Just fantastic, Alan.