View Full Version : Sandhill Crane Landing

Ed Cordes
04-23-2008, 06:59 PM
I have been so busy there has just been zero time to get out and make images. I am posting this image from a trip to Bosque in December 2005. The image is about 50% of original. I used CS3 with Noise Ninja, and PK Sharpener for selective sharpening. I like the pose with wing position and outstretched legs. I wish the bright band on the back were less, but not sure how to make that happen with out looking too processed. It was early evening so the strong side lighting and warm colors predominated.

1DMK2 with 500 f4 and 1.4 TC. Evaluative metering with daylight WB, ISO 200 F 5.6 and 1/640.

All comments most welcome.

Fabs Forns
04-23-2008, 09:41 PM
Nice landing pose on a very difficult lighting situation. Sun was still strong creating the over-exposed band in the back and not enough light on the body.
I multiplied the white band a few times to get more density to it. Selected the dark part of the body and the red crown and lifted them with curves. Added some room at the bottom and softened the background with blurring and clone aatmp at a low opacity.
Please bear in mind I'm working with a jpeg and very few pixels.

Axel Hildebrandt
04-23-2008, 09:41 PM
I like the pose but it looks rather soft on my monitor. The light was really not on your side. It might also work as a vertical crop.

Ed Cordes
04-23-2008, 10:14 PM
Fabs, thanks for your help, as always. The re post does look better. Axel, it would work as a vertical as well. I knew this image didn't have a lot of pixels and had some difficult lighting. However, I liked the action and it has been so long since I have been able to post anything, I thought I would give myself some activity. I also knew I would learn some things from you guys. Thanks.