View Full Version : cedar waxwing

Pat Nighswander
04-23-2008, 07:23 AM
ISO 800, f 5.6, 1\1000, 400mm

Doug Brown
04-23-2008, 07:43 AM
I like the perch and the head angle. The eye is nice and sharp. The sky is oversaturated for my taste, and it looks like the bird was underexposed and then recovered. Also, there appears to be some cloning artifact at the bottom of the perch.

Pat Nighswander
04-23-2008, 08:28 AM
Thanks for your feedback. I desaturated quite a bit.. the original was a very dark blue.. morning sky maybe 10 am

Alfred Forns
04-23-2008, 09:52 AM
Hi Pat would desat a bit more Also would select the sky, inverse feather to do the sharpening There is a slight halo probably form the usm pass?

Very good head angle and exposure More eye level is always desirable and would crop from bottom to eliminate the little nob !!!

Pat Nighswander
04-23-2008, 10:41 AM
I desaturated another -35... have done this twice or more.. started off with a deep royal blue.. on my adobe cs1 it looks a deep baby blue... everything is set to srgb.. and when I upload to web I get a tourquoise happening.. anyways I tried to follow the suggestions and replaced the shot... thankyou for your help

Alfred Forns
04-23-2008, 06:12 PM
Hi Pat Not sure why are you getting all those colors

How are you saving to post? I normally process my image from raw to ProPhotoRGB then switch to sRGB before saving for web and I do use the "save for web" not save as command. Should be having the shifts !!! Let me know if I can do anything !!!

Pat Nighswander
04-23-2008, 06:51 PM
I usually to save as in order to save my exifers for another forum and the exifers stay in if I save that way as opposed to save for web