View Full Version : Charging for fish

Stan Cunningham
09-07-2012, 07:28 PM
Katmai Brown Bear,
5D Mark III, 500 F4 w 1.4, ISO 1600, 6.3, 1/ 3200, + 1.3 stops because of the white spray (Av mode)
Lightroom 4, CS5 and sev Nik filters.
I've got many of this boar as he was very cooperative in coming close for his fish. Liked this one because you can see the eyes so clearly through the spray which can be difficult. Cloned a few drops out.
Comments always appreciated.

Stan Cunningham
09-07-2012, 07:29 PM
OK, just posted and the colors are off from my monitor, any suggestions?

Tom Graham
09-08-2012, 12:11 AM
When I save and open the image in Photoshop it says your jpg does not have an inbedded RGB profile.

I think the preferred BPN profile is sRGB. I don't know how different "color profiles" are manged/shown by different viewers. There are some "stickys" about this.

Basically there are two primary variables involved. Your program/viewer (e.g. Photoshop) that you used to color correct the original image. And the web browser viewer that shows you the image from BPN. Suggest you view/bring-up the BPN image. And then bring up the original (the one you posted in BPN) in your original processor, e.g. Photoshop. Compare the two side by side.Then color tune the original processor view settings so that image matches the one on BPN. Hope that makes some sense and if anyone has an easier way for matching original to BPN, I'd welcome it.
Kind of like color tuning/profiling a printer to match what you see on the monitor.

Steve Kaluski
09-08-2012, 01:29 AM
Hi Stan, in PS hope fully you will have set the Colour Space to Adobe RGB (Top menu bar Edit > Colour settings) do not leave it to the default settings 'North America...'

Now if you have set this window correctly, and your camera is also set to Adobe RGB there should be no issues. Once you have created your image and Saved it, crop, re sharpen the layer you originally sharpened, as all resized images will need some form of re sharpening, then flatten. Change to 8bit from 16 bit, Edit > Covert to Profile (sRGB), > Save for web. In the dialog box I bet you have not got Optimized, Embed colour profile, Convert to sRGB all checked? Job done.

If unsure, check out the sticky Saving for web on the top of the Wildlife page, but remember, the file size is now 250, not 200.

Just remembered, are you using LR4 or ACR to process your RAW files? If it's LR you need to change the settings to another.

Will comment shortly on the image. :w3


Steve Kaluski
09-08-2012, 01:56 AM
OK Stan, the first thing for me is, 'it's all a bit tight in the frame', the subject needs more room to breathe. Is this FF, or cropped? If this is FF it's not easy I know, I too have been there, but just watching the bear and his movements/behaviour sometimes it might tell you what could happen happen and so personally I might have hedged my bets, removed the 1.4 converter and cropped, providing it was not a substantial one. However I am only assuming here until you confirm FF or cropped and by how much. :w3

I like the bear slightly off centre, in full flight with those galloping front paws and the displaced water/spray, conveys the power that these guys can unleash at a drop of a hat. I would look to selectively removing some of the magenta in the water and in the legs of the bear, and perhaps adding a hint more USM to the face. Then in Levels moving the LH slider in to say 10? Note these suggestion are all based on a non-profiled image so there are a few variables perhaps and just my thoughts. Hope it helps.


Rachel Hollander
09-08-2012, 09:03 AM
Stan - I'm not going to comment on color given that it shifted. I really like the power this conveys with the water spray and the visible nails. I agree it's a bit tight especially above but Steve has already covered that well.


Stan Cunningham
09-08-2012, 05:16 PM
Ok guys, increased the area around him and could do more if you think necessary. I like it tight but I'm always up for learning about diff opinions and this one seems universal.
Steve, I think I finally must have everything done to get it to sRGB, please check it for me because if not I'm clueless even with all the suggestions.
Thanks as always for helpful comments.118183

Tom Graham
09-08-2012, 09:13 PM
On your re-post, did you add "canvas"? If so, nice work.

Ian Cassell
09-08-2012, 10:05 PM
Stan, I actually like the tight crop better. This shows an awesome sense of power.

OK, I have a question for you and the other Grizzly photographers here. I was in Denali about 3 years ago and there were constant warnings to keep one's distance from these guys. How do you guys get so close without feeling the next image is going to be one of the inside of the Grizzly's mouth?

Stan Cunningham
09-08-2012, 11:06 PM
Here you go Ian, there is a big difference in the behavior between interior and coastal grizzlies with respect to proximity to people and I've done my best to explain it here in my blog.


Since I know you are a Doc and interested in these things shoot me an email or PM if you want to read more about it. Quite a bit of research has been done trying to figure out why.

Jamie Douglas
09-08-2012, 11:35 PM
Here you go Ian, there is a big difference in the behavior between interior and coastal grizzlies with respect to proximity to people and I've done my best to explain it here in my blog.


Coastal grizz are well fed on salmon while interior bears are not :)

I like the additional room in the repost but are you able to extract a little more detail to add some punch? I recently had a colour space issue and ended up having to uninstall my monitor calibration software to fix the issue. Talk about a headache and I hope you able to get it sorted.


Steve Kaluski
09-09-2012, 02:21 AM
Hi Stand, firstly it's not sRGB sadly. I think this issue now needs to go to Workflow Forum where I am sure Stan the thread and advice will develop and ultimately get you to where you need to be. I can make suggestions, but this isn't the right part of the Forum to do in greater depth and will take the topic 'off topic'.

Back to the image. Personally I prefer a bit more space around the subject, however if you prefer it tighter no problem, as you know, cropping can be very subjective/personal. The image does need a CW rotation, look at the shore line where you have the little strip of water. If you go into selective colour and reduce the Magenta in both Cyan & Blue this I feel helps the water, I also added a slight gradation in the water to give it a bit more 'depth', sorry, no pun intended. Finally adding a % opacity of Linear curves and some more USM, not great, but you will get a better result on the hi res file.

Sorry, the preset crop was at 800 x 566 hence the smaller size. Hope the above helps again.


Tom Graham
09-09-2012, 08:35 AM
Gee, I saved the OP re-post, #7, and brought it up in IrfanView and Photoshop. And I think both are telling me that it is an sRGB. Here is screen shot from Irfanview -

Like to know what I'm not understanding?
Thanks - Tom\
ps - do like Steve's re-work, #12, especially the water.

Steve Kaluski
09-09-2012, 08:56 AM
Hi Tom, something is a miss.

When you open Stans image a dialog box normally comes up indicating the file is sRGB and whether you want to retain the Embedded Profile, or to convert to the Working space of RGB. In this case it states it has NO embedded profile, as also indicated here? Normally a file with the Embedded profile would show Colour profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

As I said, I think it would be worth starting a new thread in the Workflow Forum to cover this, where Stan can, if required, get more help & feedback.

Steve Kaluski
09-09-2012, 10:11 AM
Well Stan, looks like your RP was now sRGB, sorry about that. Tom you are correct too, we live and learn and that I have to say was down to Rachel.

Cheers for turning on the light Rachel. :cheers:

Cheryl Arena Molennor
09-09-2012, 10:25 AM
The action in this image is amazing. I had to laugh at Ians comment as I always wonder the same thing

Steve Canuel
09-09-2012, 12:58 PM
Like it with the extra room, agree it could use a little rotation fix. I like your composition and how the bear is exploding out of the spray. The inward position of the claws helps "tighten" up the the body outline of the bear and add to the shooting forward, missile-like effect.

Tom Graham
09-09-2012, 01:58 PM
Well, so, a learning opportunity about color space id. What was it that Rachel knows that figured this out????

Steve Kaluski
09-09-2012, 02:20 PM
Not really Tom, guess I should wait for the second coffee first thing in the morning. Instead of Ctrl/Alt right click I dragged & dropped, simple. :w3

Morkel Erasmus
09-09-2012, 04:33 PM
Fabulous action here Stan. I am late to contribute to the workflow issues re colour but it seems sorted now.
As for crop/comp...mmmhmmm...I think I prefer your OP for width, but your RP for height...in other words, I like the tightness of the OP except up top where it needs a bit of breathing room.
Love that the eyes are clear through the spray, as you noted.

Frank Schauf
09-11-2012, 08:01 AM
A great dynamic image, congratulations.