View Full Version : TN Woodie

Eric Wikander
04-20-2008, 08:18 PM
Canon 1Ds
Canon 300 2.8 L IS + 2X
1/200 f5.6 ISO 100
Shot in manual


Fabs Forns
04-20-2008, 08:22 PM
Very nice environment for the Woodie. He would need to be a bit more right to the frame and it needs a bit of CW rotation.

Gayle Clement
04-20-2008, 08:28 PM
I like the environment a lot. Nice capture of the woody.

Gus Cobos
04-20-2008, 08:29 PM
I like your composition and image. The habitat is very nice... I took the liberty in making a few adjustments to your image I hope you like them...:D
I cropped just a little from the top to eliminate the dark wedge of swamp from the upper left hand side of your frame, and also cropped just a slight tad from the right side to off center your wood duck a little. I kicked up the hue saturation a little , gave it a slight curve of contrast, lightened up the background a wee bit and did slight sharpening on the duck to bring out his eye which was a little soft. Your whites on the neck are over cooked...

Eric Wikander
04-20-2008, 08:50 PM
I also thought I could crop some of the right. I like the exposure as for me it sets the mood. This was an early morning shot. Yeah as we all know the dynamic range will get you on this duck so the white may well be washed a little more than I wanted. thanks for the input folks. Here are some minor adjustments:
i cropped, adjusted the sharpness some, added a little contrast and little black, and rotated the image as suggested.

Sid Garige
04-20-2008, 09:54 PM
I like the last crop.