View Full Version : Reddish Egret on the hunt

Markus Hanika
08-15-2012, 11:07 AM
I hope i finally solved the issues with linking the pictures.

Here's another one from this spring's Florida trip:

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8307/7748771556_b259d90e44_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/docmac71/7748771556/)

7D 300/2.8IS + Kenko 1.4x Pro300
Fort de Soto SP

Feel free to comment


Marina Scarr
08-15-2012, 11:12 AM
This looks like Big Red to me!!! :) Lovely bird and you were lucky to see and photograph him in breeding colors. Exposure looks good. It would help if you could include your camera settings when you post your pictures, so we can better evaluate your photos. I am seeing quite a bit of noise in your BG which could probably be remedied quite easily.

Glad you were able to solve your uploading issues and looking forward to seeing more of your photos.

Markus Hanika
08-15-2012, 11:55 AM
further shot info:
1/2000s, f8, ISO 400

Right, the noise... somehow i haven't figured out which settings are best compromise between loosing detail and showing noise.
I haven't done specific BG / FG masking to remove noise from BG and keep details (would have taken to much time when i edited the 400+ shots i brought back) but maybe i should it at least for the really good shots.


Stu Bowie
08-15-2012, 12:46 PM
Hi Markus, good wing display, sharp, and I like how you have left room for the 'virtual legs'. I would add a bit more room on top too. Im surprised you have such a lot of noise at ISO 400, but easily fixed. It looks like you have applied sharpening to the whole image. You are on the right track by wanting to mask the BG and then applying some NR on the BG. Obviously, you can vary the amount so as not to lose too much detail as you mentioned.

Grace Scalzo
08-15-2012, 08:24 PM
It's a great pose and I love the way that you have included the habitat. A few tweaks to your proessing as already mentioned and you'll have a strong image. Looking forward to more.

Daniel Cadieux
08-16-2012, 12:08 PM
Looks like you've got your linking issues solved!

Great bird, and a perfect look at the near wing. Colours look good too. I'd prefer a tad less room below, and more above (if you have it). A better light angle coming from directly behind or behind-left would have nicely lit the face. Looking forward to more!